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Question: Is Suicide an unforgivable sin? (Jehovah Witness)


As a Jehovah’s Witness, we believe that suicide is a sin. However, we do not believe it to be an unforgivable sin. The Bible does not specifically mention suicide as an unforgivable sin.

We believe that all sins can be forgiven through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Suicide, like any other sin, can be forgiven if the individual truly repents and seeks forgiveness from God. We must remember that God is a forgiving God, and he desires for all of us to turn away from our sins and turn to Him.

It is important to note that suicide is not a solution to any problem. We believe that life is a precious gift from God and that we should do everything in our power to cherish and protect it. We encourage individuals who may be struggling with suicidal thoughts or tendencies to seek help from trained professionals and support from their loved ones.

In conclusion, we believe that suicide is a sin, but it can be forgiven through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. We urge anyone struggling with suicidal thoughts to seek help and support, knowing that there is hope for a better future.

Viewpoint: Jehovah Witness
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