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Question: Is God dead??


As an evangelical Christian, I believe that God is not dead. In fact, I believe that God is very much alive and active in the world today. The Bible teaches us that God is eternal, meaning that He has always existed and will always exist. He is not subject to time or space, but rather transcends them both.

The idea that God is dead comes from a philosophical concept known as the “death of God.” This idea suggests that as society becomes more secular and scientific, the belief in God will eventually fade away. However, as a Christian, I believe that faith in God is not based on philosophical concepts, but on a personal relationship with Him.

Throughout history, there have been many times when people have questioned whether God is real or not. But time and time again, God has revealed Himself to those who seek Him. The Bible is full of stories of people who encountered God in powerful ways, and their lives were forever changed.

As an evangelical Christian, I believe that God is very much alive and active in the world today. He is still at work in the lives of people, drawing them to Himself and transforming them from the inside out. While some may question the existence of God, I know that He is real because I have experienced His love and grace firsthand.

Viewpoint: No denomination listed.
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