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Question: Is evolution true? (Catholic)


As a Catholic, I believe that evolution is compatible with the teachings of the Church. The Church recognizes that God is the creator of all things, and that the Bible should be interpreted in its proper context and not necessarily taken literally. Evolution is a scientific theory that seeks to explain the development of life on Earth over millions of years, and it is based on empirical evidence and rigorous testing.

The Church does not have an official stance on evolution, but it does not reject it outright. In fact, Pope Francis has said that evolution and the Big Bang theory are consistent with Catholic teachings, and that God is not a magician who made everything happen with a wave of his hand. Instead, he believes that God created the universe and set in motion the processes that led to the development of life as we know it.

At the same time, the Church emphasizes the importance of human dignity and the soul, which are not explained by evolutionary theory alone. The Church teaches that humans are made in the image and likeness of God, and that we have a unique spiritual dimension that sets us apart from other animals. This belief in human exceptionalism is sometimes at odds with evolutionary theory, which suggests that humans evolved from earlier primates.

In the end, it is possible to reconcile the teachings of the Church with the scientific theory of evolution. Both offer different perspectives on the same reality, and both have their own strengths and limitations. As Catholics, we can appreciate the beauty and complexity of the natural world, while also recognizing the importance of our spiritual nature and our relationship with God.

Viewpoint: Catholic
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