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Question: how do we get the fruits of the spirit? (Evangelical Christian)


As an Evangelical Christian, I believe that the fruits of the spirit are the outward expression of the inward work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. These fruits are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The Bible tells us that these fruits are not something that we can produce on our own but are a result of allowing the Holy Spirit to work in our hearts and minds.

The first step in receiving the fruits of the spirit is to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This involves confessing our sin, repenting, and asking Jesus to come into our lives and be our Lord and Savior. Once we have made this commitment, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within us and begins the process of transforming us from the inside out.

As we grow in our relationship with Jesus, we must also cultivate an attitude of humility and surrender. This means submitting our will to God’s will and seeking His guidance in all areas of our lives. We must also spend time in prayer and reading the Bible, allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to us and reveal His truth to us.

Another key factor in producing the fruits of the spirit is being connected to a community of believers. We were not meant to live the Christian life alone, but rather in fellowship with other believers. Through this fellowship, we can encourage one another, hold each other accountable, and grow together in our faith.

In summary, the fruits of the spirit are not something that we can produce on our own, but rather a result of allowing the Holy Spirit to work in our lives. This involves having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, cultivating an attitude of humility and surrender, spending time in prayer and reading the Bible, and being connected to a community of believers.

Viewpoint: Evangelical Christian
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