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Question: Did Jesus Lie When He Said He Wasn’t Going To The Festival? (Catholic)


According to the Gospel of John chapter 7, Jesus told his brothers that he was not going to the festival in Jerusalem. Later, he did go to the festival secretly. This has led to some confusion as to whether or not Jesus lied.

However, it is important to understand the cultural context of the time. In Jewish culture, it was common to speak in hyperbole or exaggeration. Jesus may have used this rhetorical device to emphasize that he did not want to go to the festival publicly or with his brothers.

Furthermore, Jesus’ primary mission was not to attend festivals or to please his family, but to do the will of God. If he felt compelled to go to the festival later on, it could be seen as a response to God’s will rather than a deliberate deception.

Finally, it is important to remember that Jesus was fully human as well as fully divine. While he was sinless, he still experienced emotions and struggles that come with being human. It is possible that he changed his mind or had a change of heart regarding the festival.

In conclusion, while it may appear that Jesus lied, it is important to consider the cultural context, his mission, and his humanity when interpreting this passage. Ultimately, we can trust that Jesus acted in accordance with God’s will and for the greater good.

Viewpoint: Catholic
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