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Question: Can we celebrate Christmas? (Jehovah Witness)


As a Jehovah’s Witness, we do not celebrate Christmas as it is not a holiday that is mentioned in the Bible. The Bible teaches that we should worship God in spirit and truth, and that we should not adopt the customs and traditions of the world. Christmas is a holiday that has derived from pagan origins, and many of its customs are not in line with biblical teachings.

For example, the practice of giving gifts during Christmas is often seen as a way to show love and appreciation for others. However, the Bible teaches that we should love and care for others every day, not just on a designated holiday. Additionally, many of the traditions associated with Christmas, such as decorating trees and hanging mistletoe, have no biblical basis and are rooted in pagan beliefs.

Furthermore, the emphasis on materialism and consumerism during Christmas goes against the Bible’s teachings on simplicity and frugality. Instead of focusing on material possessions and lavish celebrations, the Bible encourages us to place our trust in God and find joy in the simple things in life.

In summary, while some may choose to celebrate Christmas as a way to honor the birth of Jesus, as Jehovah’s Witnesses, we believe that it is important to follow the teachings of the Bible and avoid customs and traditions that are not in line with biblical principles.

Viewpoint: Jehovah Witness
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