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Question: Can we become gods of our own planet? (LDS / Mormon)


As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we believe that we are all children of God and that our ultimate goal is to become like Him. This includes the idea that after this life, we have the potential to become gods and goddesses ourselves. However, it is important to clarify that we do not believe in the traditional Christian idea of becoming equal to God in every aspect. We believe that we can become like God in character and attributes, but not in His divine nature.

The concept of becoming gods of our own planet comes from the belief that God created the universe and everything in it, including the planets and the stars. We believe that He has given us the opportunity to progress and become like Him, which includes the potential to create and govern our own planets. However, this is not something that is simply handed to us – we must work to develop the necessary qualities and characteristics to become worthy of such responsibility.

It is important to note that while we believe in the potential to become gods ourselves, we do not worship multiple gods. We worship one God – our Heavenly Father – and we believe that He is the ultimate authority in the universe. Our belief in becoming gods of our own planet is not a desire for power or control, but rather a desire to become like our Heavenly Father and fulfill the potential that He has given us.

In conclusion, the idea that we can become gods of our own planet is a core belief of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. However, it is important to understand that this is not a desire for power or control, but rather a desire to become like our Heavenly Father and fulfill the potential that He has given us.

Viewpoint: LDS / Mormon
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