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Healing Broken Hearts: A Christian Perspective on Divorce

Healing Broken Hearts: A Christian Perspective on Divorce


The topic of divorce can be a sensitive and difficult subject. Divorce can bring pain and heartbreak, and it is a topic that we don’t always readily discuss in our Christian communities. However, it is an issue that affects many of our family, friends, and church members. As Christians, we believe that marriage is a sacred covenant between a man and a woman, and it is God’s intention for marriage to be permanent. In this lesson, we will explore what the Bible says about divorce and how we can approach this topic compassionately with those who have experienced it.

1. The Biblical View of Divorce:

The Bible is very clear on the issue of divorce. In Matthew 19:6, Jesus says, “Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” This means that marriage is a covenant made between two people and God. It is a holy union that should not be broken. However, Jesus also recognized that divorce is sometimes necessary because of the hardness of people’s hearts (Matthew 19:8). In 1 Corinthians 7:15, Paul says that if an unbelieving spouse wants to leave, the believer is not bound in such circumstances.

2. The Pain of Divorce:

Divorce is painful, and it affects not only the couple but also their families and friends. It can be devastating emotionally, financially, and spiritually. It is important to recognize that those going through divorce need our support and compassion. As Christians, we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves, and that includes those going through divorce. We can offer a listening ear, practical help, and prayer support.

3. The Hope of Healing:

For those who have experienced divorce, healing is possible. Although the pain never completely disappears, it can be managed through the love of God and the support of the Christian community. Psalm 147:3 says, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” We can trust that God understands our pain and is with us in our grief. It is important to remember that divorce does not define us; our identity is in Christ. God’s grace is sufficient for us, and His power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).


Divorce is a difficult issue that affects many people in our churches and communities. As Christians, we are called to offer love, compassion, and support to those going through this painful experience. It is essential to recognize that although God’s plan for marriage is for it to be permanent, He also understands that sometimes divorce is necessary. It is important to offer hope and love to those who have experienced divorce, reminding them that God is with them and that healing is possible.

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Matthew 5:31-32; Matthew 19:3-9; Mark 10:2-12; Luke 16:18; 1 Corinthians 7:10-16; Malachi 2:16; Romans 7:1-3; Deuteronomy 24:1-4; Hosea 2:16-20.

Questions for Lesson

1. How has your understanding of divorce and marriage been shaped by your Christian beliefs?
2. According to the teachings of Jesus, what are the reasons for divorce that are considered acceptable in God’s eyes?
3. What are some practical steps that Christians can take to prevent divorce and strengthen their marriage relationships?
4. How does God’s love and forgiveness offer hope and healing for those who have experienced divorce or brokenness in their relationships?
5. In what ways can the church offer support and resources for couples struggling in their marriages or dealing with the aftermath of divorce?

Worship Music for Lesson

1. “Healing Begins” by Tenth Avenue North
2. “Broken Together” by Casting Crowns
3. “Stronger” by Hillsong Worship
4. “Come As You Are” by Crowder

Object Lesson

Illustration: Healing Broken Hearts: A Christian Perspective on Divorce

Props needed:
– A heart-shaped container made of glass or any transparent material
– Glass jar or pitcher of water
– Red or pink colored powdered candy such as sweet tarts, skittles or M&M’s
– A stirring rod or spoon
– White paper towels

How to present illustration:

Step 1: Begin by introducing the concept of divorce and how it can leave a heart broken into pieces.
Step 2: Show the heart-shaped container to the audience and explain that it symbolizes a broken heart.
Step 3: Pour the powder candy into the heart-shaped container, one piece at a time, explaining that each piece represents a hurtful incident that contributed to the brokenness of the heart.
Step 4: Fill the glass jar or pitcher with water and pour the water into the heart-shaped container, explaining that the water represents the love of God and his healing power.
Step 5: Use the stirring rod or spoon to mix the water and powder together, explaining that God wants to heal the broken heart.
Step 6: Show the now pink or red colored water inside the heart-shaped container to the audience, illustrating how God can transform the brokenness of the heart into something beautiful.
Step 7: Finally, use the white paper towels to wipe the outside of the heart-shaped container from any excess water and powder, explaining that God’s love can clean and restore even the messiest situations.

This illustration can remind adults that even when their hearts are broken, God’s love can heal and transform them. The heart shaped container with the powder pieces inside represent the brokenness of the heart, while the water represents the love of God that can heal and transform it. Mixing the water and the powder represents God’s healing process, giving new life to the broken heart. The pink or red colored water represents a restored heart, and the clean heart shaped container represents the healing and the beauty of wholeness that comes from God.


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