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Peter and John preach about Jesus and are arrested but many believe; they continue to preach with boldness.

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Bible Movies & TV w/ Acts 4.

We love the Bible! We’re just having fun because our Robot loves it too. So, here we are having some fun with Acts 4 using Movies & TV. You will enjoy some fun and creativity!

1. Popcorn
2. Chips and salsa
3. Cheese and crackers
4. Veggie tray with dip
5. Fruit salad
6. Cookies
7. Brownies
8. Trail mix
9. Pretzels
10. Pita chips and hummus
11. Beef jerky
12. Mini pizzas
13. Quesadillas
14. Nachos
15. Ice cream sundae bar.

if Acts 4 was a TV show

Acts 4: The Sitcom

Acts 4 sitcom logo

The Premise:

Follow the hilarious and heartwarming adventures of Peter and John, two apostles on a mission to spread the word of Jesus Christ to the world. Set in the bustling city of Jerusalem in the 1st century, each episode follows the duo as they encounter new challenges, make new allies, and face off against their enemies.

The Characters:

  • Peter: Played by Chris Pratt, Peter is the leader of the apostles, known for his quick wit and fearless spirit. He’s always up for a good laugh, but he never loses sight of his mission to spread the gospel.
  • John: Played by John Boyega, John is Peter’s loyal sidekick, known for his quiet strength and unwavering faith. He’s the calming presence that always keeps Peter grounded.
  • Simon the Sorcerer: Played by Ricky Gervais, Simon is a cunning magician who tries to use his powers to manipulate the apostles for his own gain. He’s always up to no good, but he’s also a bit of a bumbler, making him an easy target for Peter and John’s pranks.
  • The High Priests: Played by Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, the High Priests are the main antagonists of the show, always trying to thwart Peter and John’s plans to spread the gospel. They’re foiled time and time again by the apostles’ clever schemes.

The Episodes:

Each episode of Acts 4: The Sitcom is based on a different story from the book of Acts. Here are a few examples:

  • The Healing of the Lame Beggar: When Peter and John encounter a beggar who has been lame since birth, they decide to heal him in the name of Jesus. But when the High Priests learn of the miracle, they try to round up the apostles and put a stop to their preaching once and for all.
  • The Stoning of Stephen: When Stephen becomes the first Christian martyr, Peter and John are devastated. They must come to terms with the cost of their faith, and find a way to continue spreading the gospel in the face of persecution.
  • The Conversion of Saul: When Saul, a notorious persecutor of Christians, has a dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus, Peter and John are skeptical. Can they trust this man who used to be their greatest enemy?

Why You’ll Love It:

Acts 4: The Sitcom is a fresh and funny take on the book of Acts, a story that has captivated audiences for centuries. With an all-star cast and sharp writing, this show will make you laugh, cry, and cheer as Peter and John spread the message of Jesus Christ to the world.

or what if Acts 4 was a movie

The movie “Acts 4” depicts the events that took place following the healing of a lame man at the temple gates by Peter and John. The high priest, Sadducees and others were not happy about their teachings and healing, and they put the two apostles in prison overnight. The following day, they were brought before the council and questioned about the healing, but they boldly testified about the power of Jesus Christ that enabled them to heal the man. The council, unable to deny the miracle, released them with a warning to stop preaching in Jesus’ name. The movie ends with the apostles returning to the other believers, sharing their testimony and praying for boldness to continue preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Chris Pratt as Peter
  • Michael B. Jordan as John
  • Idris Elba as the high priest
  • Viola Davis as Gamaliel
  • Tessa Thompson as Mary Magdalene
Rating: PG-13

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