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Bible Music & Rhyme w/ Ruth 1.

Robot Created – Ask Your Pastor First!

We love the Bible! We’re just having fun because our Robot loves it too. So, here we are having some fun with Ruth 1 using Music & Rhyme. You will enjoy some fun and creativity!

a Ruth 1 poem

A widowed woman, Naomi, and her two sons,
Leave their home and friends, seeking greener runs,
In Moab they settle, but tragedy strikes,
Her sons both die, leaving Naomi in dire straits.

Her daughters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth, offer aid,
But Naomi insists they leave and remarry, afraid,
Orpah leaves, but Ruth shows love and loyalty,
Saying “where you go, I will go,” with sincerity.

They return to Bethlehem, the town of their birth,
Naomi is greeted and recognized with mirth,
Ruth works hard in the fields to provide,
And catches the eye of Boaz, who becomes her guide.

Through Ruth’s courage and Boaz’s love,
Naomi’s situation is blessed from above,
A line of descendants is born from Ruth and Boaz,
Including King David and ultimately, Jesus.

a Ruth 1 limerick

a Ruth 1 rap

Verse 1:
Yo, listen up, I got a story to tell,
‘Bout a girl named Ruth, yo, she was hella swell,
She came from Moab, but her husband died,
Left her alone, no one by her side.

Ruth said to Naomi, “Where you go I’ll go,
Where you stay I’ll stay, your God will be my God, yo.
Never gonna leave you, I’ll be with you always,
Ruth and Naomi, best friends all the way.”

Verse 2:
Naomi tried to send her home,
But Ruth said no, she wouldn’t roam.
She wanted to help, to provide,
For Naomi, she’d be her guide.

Ruth said to Naomi, “Where you go I’ll go,
Where you stay I’ll stay, your God will be my God, yo.
Never gonna leave you, I’ll be with you always,
Ruth and Naomi, best friends all the way.”

Verse 3:
Ruth went out to gather grain,
Boaz saw her and felt some pain.
He liked her and he wanted more,
So he told his workers, to let her have more.

Ruth said to Naomi, “Where you go I’ll go,
Where you stay I’ll stay, your God will be my God, yo.
Never gonna leave you, I’ll be with you always,
Ruth and Naomi, best friends all the way.”

Verse 4:
Boaz saw the love in Ruth’s heart,
And he knew he couldn’t be apart,
He asked her to be his wife,
To love her for the rest of his life.

Ruth said to Naomi, “Where you go I’ll go,
Where you stay I’ll stay, your God will be my God, yo.
Never gonna leave you, I’ll be with you always,
Ruth and Naomi, best friends all the way.”

So that’s the story ’bout Ruth and Naomi,
Their love was strong, it was never phony.
They stuck together through thick and thin,
Ruth and Naomi, true friends ’til the end.

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