We love the Bible! We’re just having fun because our Robot loves it too. So, here we are having some fun with Luke 6:1 using Music & Rhyme. You will enjoy some fun and creativity!
Jesus and his disciples picked grain on the Sabbath, infuriating the Pharisees who accused them of breaking the law.
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We love the Bible! We’re just having fun because our Robot loves it too. So, here we are having some fun with Luke 6:1 using Music & Rhyme. You will enjoy some fun and creativity!
Luke 6:1, the Sabbath day,
Jesus showed us all the way.
Even on this holy rest,
Healing, love, and good deeds best.
Let us follow in His light,
Acting with compassion’s might.
On the Sabbath and each day too,
Spread God’s love, and goodness do.
There once was a verse in Luke six
That said Jesus loved to mix
With sinners and tax collectors
But when it came to church sectors
He always taught them a good fix!
Verse 1:
Listen up, it’s time to hear
Jesus Christ’s words, don’t you fear
He came to teach, to guide our lives
And in Luke 6:1, he gives us advice
Verse 2:
“One Sabbath day, Jesus walked”
To the temple, where the people talked
But the Pharisees were there to see
If Jesus would break the law, and they’d set him free
Verse 3:
But Jesus knew, and he replied
“Have you never read?” He replied
King David ate the bread of priests
When he and his men were in need
Verse 4:
“You see, the Sabbath wasn’t made for man”
Man wasn’t made to fit in a plan
The Sabbath was made to serve and bless
For our good, and to give us rest
Verse 5:
So let’s not judge by what we see
But use our hearts and minds to be
Open to Christ’s truth and love
And follow Him, to Heaven above
Verse 6:
Luke 6:1, a lesson for us all
To listen to Christ’s teachings, stand tall
And let His message guide our ways
For it’s His love that leads us always.