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God sees wickedness in humans, decides to flood the earth; Noah builds an ark, saves animals, humanity restarts.

Bible Music & Rhyme w/ Genesis 6.

Robot Created – Ask Your Pastor First!

We love the Bible! We’re just having fun because our Robot loves it too. So, here we are having some fun with Genesis 6 using Music & Rhyme. You will enjoy some fun and creativity!

a Genesis 6 poem

In Genesis 6, we learn
Of Noah and the great concern
God had for the wicked ways
Of the people in those ancient days

So Noah built an ark so grand
To save the creatures from the land
And when the flood came pouring down
Noah and his kin didn’t drown

For 40 days and nights they sailed
Until at last the rain prevailed
And when the waters did recede
Noah’s family was what decreed

God made a covenant with them then
To never flood the earth again
And so in Genesis 6 we see
A story of grace and mercy.

a Genesis 6 limerick

In Genesis 6, God said with a frown,
“I’ll flood the whole earth and bring it down.”
Noah built an ark,
Saved all creatures from harm,
But why did the mosquitos come back around?

a Genesis 6 rap

(Verse 1)
Yo, check it out, it’s Genesis 6
The story of Noah and the flood that sticks
God saw the wickedness of man was great
And decided to wipe them out, check the date

He told Noah to build an ark
With three decks and rooms to park
Gather two of every living kind
Male and female, so they can survive

Genesis 6, the story of Noah’s ark
God’s wrath poured out, the earth was dark
The flood destroyed all, except for those
Who were saved in the ark, protected from the blows

(Verse 2)
Noah and his family worked hard
Building the ark in the backyard
The people mocked and laughed at him
Thinking he was crazy and dim

But Noah was faithful, trusting in God
Following His commands, making his squad
And when the rain began to pour
The ark floated, while the rest deplore

Genesis 6, the story of Noah’s ark
God’s wrath poured out, the earth was dark
The flood destroyed all, except for those
Who were saved in the ark, protected from the blows

(Verse 3)
Forty days and nights the rain did come
Flooding the earth, destroying everyone
But Noah and his family were safe and sound
In the ark, floating on top, unbound

After the flood, God made a covenant
To never destroy the earth in a punishment
A rainbow in the sky, a reminder of His grace
That He saved Noah and his race

Genesis 6, the story of Noah’s ark
God’s wrath poured out, the earth was dark
The flood destroyed all, except for those
Who were saved in the ark, protected from the blows

So let this story be a lesson to you
To follow God’s commands, and be true
For in His mercy and love to His creation
He will always provide a salvation

Genesis 6, the story of Noah’s ark
God’s wrath poured out, the earth was dark
The flood destroyed all, except for those
Who were saved in the ark, protected from the blows.

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