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Roaming Through Romans: Fun Brain Benders!

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Enigma Riddle: Who am I?

I was a man of Tarsus, born a Jew, and a citizen of Rome. I was once a fierce persecutor of the followers of Jesus, but then had a dramatic conversion experience on the road to Damascus. I became known as an apostle and wrote many letters to various churches, including one to the Romans. In this letter, I wrote about the righteousness of God, justification by faith, and the struggle between the flesh and the spirit. Who am I?

Answer: Paul

Conundrum Riddle: What is it?

It is something that has been given to all people, but not all people accept it. It is a gift that brings eternal life, but it cannot be earned through good deeds or works. It is freely given, yet it cost the giver everything. What is it?

Answer: The gift of salvation through Jesus Christ

Lateral Thinking Riddle: How did I do it?

I was able to write a letter to the Romans, even though I had never been to Rome before. How did I do it?

Answer: I wrote the letter while in Corinth and sent it to Rome with Phoebe, a member of the church in Cenchreae.

Trick Riddle: What did I say?

I said that we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God, but also that we are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. What am I talking about?

Answer: The righteousness of God and justification by faith, as discussed in Romans 3:23-24.

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