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Rev up your brain with Revelation riddles!

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Enigma Riddle:

A creature of terror, with ten horns and seven heads,
Its power and dominion, feared by all who have ever read.
Its form is like a leopard, with feet like a bear,
And a mouth like a lion, its roar a sound of despair.

Its crowns are on its heads, and on each one a name,
Blasphemous and terrifying, the cause of much shame.
But though it seems invincible, its reign will come to an end,
When the Lamb of God defeats it, and its power does rescind.

Conundrum Riddle:

A woman clothed with sun and moon,
Her beauty and radiance, like a heavenly boon.
With a crown of twelve stars, she stands on the earth,
A symbol of divine grace and a heavenly birth.

But who is this woman, so radiant and bright?
Is she Mary, the mother of Jesus, the light?
Or is she the Church, the bride of the Lamb,
Whose faithfulness and devotion, will never be damned?

The answer lies in the mystery of God’s plan,
A revelation of truth, for all who understand.
For this woman represents the kingdom of God,
And the victory of Christ, over sin and death’s rod.

Lateral Thinking Riddle:

A scroll sealed with seven seals,
Its contents a mystery, that no one reveals.
The elders and angels, search for one who is worthy,
To open the seals, and reveal what is holy.

But who is this worthy one, who can break the seals?
Is it a king, a prophet, or one who has great skills?
No, it is the Lamb of God, who was slain for our sins,
Who alone can unlock the scroll, and reveal what is within.

And when the seals are opened, a great revelation is seen,
Of God’s plan for the world, and what it all means.
For the scroll is the story of redemption and grace,
And the Lamb is the one who will bring it to its rightful place.

Trick Riddle:

Seven lampstands and a Son of Man,
A vision of glory, that few can understand.
The lampstands are the churches, that shine with God’s light,
And the Son of Man is Jesus, who reigns in God’s might.

But there’s more to this vision, than meets the eye,
For each lampstand represents a church, that cannot lie.
And the Son of Man walks among them, with eyes of fire,
Searching hearts and minds, for those who do not tire.

So be watchful and faithful, for the Son of Man is near,
And his judgment is coming, to all who do not fear.
For the lampstands will be removed, if they do not repent,
And the Son of Man will come, to judge and to vent.

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