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Philemon Puzzles: Fun Faith Challenges!

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Enigma Riddle:

Who was Philemon’s unexpected guest?

He came to Philemon as an unexpected guest, a runaway slave seeking refuge in the guesthouse. His name was Onesimus, and he had fled from his master, Philemon. But as he sat in the guesthouse, he heard the words of a wise man and his heart began to change. He returned to his master, not as a slave, but as a brother in Christ. So who was this unexpected guest that brought about such a transformation? He was Onesimus, a slave turned brother, who showed Philemon the power of forgiveness and redemption.

Conundrum Riddle:

What did Philemon do when Onesimus returned?

When Onesimus returned to his master, Philemon was faced with a difficult decision. Should he punish the runaway slave for his disobedience, or should he show him mercy and forgiveness? After much contemplation, Philemon made a decision that surprised everyone. He not only forgave Onesimus, but he also welcomed him back as a brother in Christ. But what did Philemon do when Onesimus returned? He showed him the same grace and love that he had received from God, and in doing so, he set an example for all believers to follow.

Lateral Thinking Riddle:

How did Philemon forgive Onesimus?

Philemon was a man of faith, and he understood the power of forgiveness. But forgiving Onesimus was not an easy task. He had been wronged by his slave, and the thought of welcoming him back with open arms was a difficult one to grasp. So how did Philemon forgive Onesimus? He did so by looking beyond his own hurt and pain, and by seeing Onesimus as a fellow brother in Christ. He recognized that just as he had been forgiven by God, he too must extend that same forgiveness to others. By choosing to forgive Onesimus, Philemon was able to experience the freedom and joy that comes from letting go of bitterness and resentment.

Trick Riddle:

What did Philemon gain by forgiving Onesimus?

At first glance, it may seem like Philemon had nothing to gain by forgiving Onesimus. After all, he had been wronged by his slave and had every right to seek revenge. But in reality, Philemon gained much more than he could have ever imagined. By forgiving Onesimus, he demonstrated the love and grace of God to others. He also created a bond of brotherhood with Onesimus that would last a lifetime. And perhaps most importantly, he experienced the freedom and peace that comes from letting go of anger and bitterness. So what did Philemon gain by forgiving Onesimus? He gained everything that truly matters in life – love, peace, and a deeper understanding of God’s grace.

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