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Level 10 Bible Riddle for Hosea!

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I am a book, both prophecy and poetry
A tale of love, as in life, bittersweet
My author, a prophet, with words unyielding
For he served a lord, just as he was commanded

My name, oh so simple, just three letters bound
But my content, oh so intricate, a treasure to be found
I speak of a nation, unfaithful in love
Of idols, injustice, and rebellion thereof

My writer, a man of passion, spoke of a broken heart
Of a spouse unfaithful, torn apart
He spoke of grace, of mercy, of a love still true
Of a chance to come back, redemption anew

Some may find my words harsh, my tone severe
But listen closely, for hope echoes clear
For even in betrayal, in sin and shame
Love waits, in the end, a love that will remain

So what am I, this book with tales of love and pain?
A message of hope, and faith, and love to sustain
A book of Hosea, a voice of God to proclaim.

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