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Level 10 Bible Riddle for 1 Timothy!

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In letters one, this book is known,
A pastoral guide to some alone.
Instructions sent to a young friend,
For Timothy it was meant to attend.

The first chapter starts with a warning,
Against false teachers who keep coming.
That law is good, and so is grace,
The two should work in hand, in place.

Instructions on church and ministry,
Qualifications and their responsibility.
The widows, elders, and deacons too,
Are mentioned here, what they should do.

The rich should give, the poor should strive,
And peace should be pursued to thrive.
Contentment, godliness, and love,
Are qualities to seek and behove.

And lastly, in chapter six,
The love of money is the trick.
Godliness with contentment leads to gain,
Flee from sin, pursue righteousness again.

What book is this that we speak of?
A pastoral epistle, so full of love.
Written by Paul with Timothy in view,
It’s First Timothy from the Bible, true.

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