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Level 10 Bible Riddle for 1 Thessalonians!

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I am a letter, but not just any letter,
A treasure of wisdom and truth I do hold better.
I speak of comfort and hope,
And guide you with the Lord’s rope.

My name may sound complex to you,
But take a closer look, and you’ll see through.
I am numbered first and named second,
And to those who read me, I’m a refreshing waterbed.

My author is a faithful servant of God,
Encouraging believers to adorn their spiritual bod.
My contents range from taking care of the weak,
To the importance of Christ’s return we must seek.

I’m a letter of encouragement and instruction,
Emphasizing love and holy production.
So search no more, for I am the answer you seek,
The book of 1 Thessalonians, the one for the meek.

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