Enigma Riddle:
Who was thrown into a pit, but later became a prophet?
I was once thrown into a pit, left to die in the mud and the grit. But with God’s help, I emerged from that hole, and my life took on a new and glorious role. I became a prophet, speaking God’s word, to those who had strayed, to those who were blurred. My name is known throughout the land, for my words were both powerful and grand. So tell me now, can you guess my name? The one who was thrown into a pit, but rose to fame?
Answer: Jeremiah
Conundrum Riddle:
What was Jeremiah’s message to the people of Judah?
I was a prophet, sent by God, to speak to the people, to give them a nod. But my message was not one of joy, it was one of warning, a call to deploy. I told them of their sins, of their wayward ways, and warned of the consequences, of the coming days. I spoke of destruction, of loss and of pain, but also of hope, of a future to gain. So tell me now, can you guess my message? The one I spoke, to the people of Judah, in that dark age?
Answer: Jeremiah warned the people of Judah of their sins and the coming destruction.
Lateral Thinking Riddle:
How did Jeremiah convince the king to release him from prison?
I was thrown into prison, locked up and alone, with no hope of escape, no way to atone. But I had a plan, a clever ruse, to convince the king, to set me loose. I sent him a message, a word from the Lord, that spoke of his future, of his own reward. And when the king heard, he was filled with fear, and knew that my words, were true and sincere. So tell me now, can you guess my plan? The one that convinced the king, to free this man?
Answer: Jeremiah sent the king a message that spoke of his future and convinced him to release him from prison.
Trick Riddle:
What did Jeremiah say when he found a basket of figs?
I was walking along, when I saw a basket, filled with figs, so ripe and so pliant. And as I reached out, to take just one, I heard a voice, from someone undone. "Do not eat those figs," the voice did say, "for they are spoiled, and will make you sway." And so I listened, and left them be, for I knew that voice, was speaking to me. So tell me now, can you guess what I heard? The words that kept me, from eating those absurd.
Answer: Jeremiah did not say anything when he found a basket of figs, but instead heard a voice warning him not to eat them.