Enigma Riddle:
This prophet, his words so bold,
Spoke of a virgin birth foretold.
His book, full of prophecies,
Predicted the coming of the King of Peace.
Who am I?
Answer: Isaiah, who prophesied about the virgin birth of Jesus in Isaiah 7:14.
Conundrum Riddle:
A vision seen by one so great,
A glimpse of heaven, an awesome fate.
The Lord, high and lifted up,
With seraphim, His glory cup.
Who saw this wondrous sight?
Answer: Isaiah, who saw a vision of the Lord high and lifted up with seraphim in Isaiah 6:1-7.
Lateral Thinking Riddle:
A servant, suffering and meek,
His fate, foretold by the prophet’s speak.
He bore our sins, our pain and strife,
And gave us hope, a new lease on life.
Who spoke of this servant’s plight?
Answer: Isaiah, who prophesied about the suffering servant in Isaiah 53.
Trick Riddle:
A man who walked upon the sea,
A miracle to set our hearts free.
His power, great beyond compare,
His love, a gift that we can share.
Who wrote of this amazing feat?
Answer: Trick question – Isaiah did not write about a man walking on water. This miracle is recorded in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and John.
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