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Hebrews Head-Scratchers: Fun with Faith!

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Enigma Riddle:

Who is the greatest high priest?

He is not of the Levitical line, nor is he from the tribe of Judah. He has no recorded genealogy, nor is there any mention of his birth or death. Yet he is the high priest of the order of Melchizedek, greater than Aaron and all his descendants. He is the one who offered himself as the perfect sacrifice for sin, and he now sits at the right hand of the throne of God. Who is this greatest high priest, who has entered the heavenly sanctuary once for all, and made a way for us to approach God with confidence?

Answer: Jesus Christ, as described in the book of Hebrews.

Conundrum Riddle:

What is the key to faith in Hebrews?

It is not a list of rules to follow, nor is it a set of doctrines to believe. It is not a formula for success, nor is it a guarantee of prosperity. It is not a promise of health and happiness, nor is it a way to escape suffering and persecution. Yet it is the foundation of our hope, the assurance of things we do not see, the substance of things we hope for. What is this key to faith, which enables us to endure trials, resist temptation, and persevere in our journey of faith?

Answer: The key to faith in Hebrews is Jesus Christ, who is the author and perfecter of our faith.

Lateral Thinking Riddle:

What’s the connection between faith and hope?

It is not a matter of one leading to the other, nor is it a matter of one being more important than the other. It is not a matter of faith being the substance of hope, nor is it a matter of hope being the anchor of faith. It is not a matter of faith being the means to obtain hope, nor is it a matter of hope being the reward of faith. Yet they are inseparable, like two sides of the same coin, and they work together to sustain us in our journey of faith. What is the connection between faith and hope, which gives us confidence in what we do not see, and inspires us to press on toward the prize?

Answer: The connection between faith and hope is their shared focus on the promises of God, which are sure and steadfast, and which are fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

Trick Riddle:

What’s the one thing you can’t do with God’s word?

You can’t eat it, nor can you drink it. You can’t use it to build a house, nor can you wear it as clothing. You can’t drive it like a car, nor can you fly it like a plane. You can’t put it in a box, nor can you lock it up. You can’t hide it from God, nor can you use it to control others. Yet it is the living and active word of God, sharper than any two-edged sword, and able to penetrate even to the division of soul and spirit, joints and marrow. What is the one thing you can’t do with God’s word, which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path?

Answer: You can’t ignore it, nor can you escape its power to convict, challenge, and transform us.

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