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Enlightening Ephesians: Bible Brain Boosters

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Enigma Riddle:

What is invisible but powerful, given freely, and seals us for eternity?

It cannot be seen, but it is more powerful than any earthly force. It is given freely to those who believe, and it seals them for eternity. What is it? This mysterious entity is the answer to a great enigma. It is the Holy Spirit, as revealed in the book of Ephesians. This Spirit is the seal of God’s ownership on the hearts of believers, marking them as His own. The Holy Spirit is the very power of God, working in the lives of believers to transform them into the likeness of Christ. And it is freely given to all who put their faith in Him, a gift that cannot be earned or bought. This enigma, this mystery, is at the very heart of the Christian faith.

Conundrum Riddle:

What is the armor of God that protects us from the devil’s schemes?

It is not a literal suit of armor, made of metal or steel. It is not something that can be purchased or manufactured. So what is the armor of God that protects us from the devil’s schemes? This conundrum is answered in the book of Ephesians, where we are told that the armor of God is a spiritual armor. It is made up of truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and the Word of God. These are the weapons with which we fight against the devil’s schemes. They are not physical weapons, but spiritual ones, and they are more powerful than any earthly weapon. With this armor, we are able to stand firm against the devil’s attacks and overcome him.

Lateral Thinking Riddle:

What is the mystery revealed in Ephesians that unites Jews and Gentiles?

It is a mystery that has puzzled people for centuries. How can Jews and Gentiles be united in one body? What is the secret to this unity? This lateral thinking riddle is answered in the book of Ephesians, where we learn that the mystery is Christ Himself. He is the one who has broken down the wall of hostility that separated Jews and Gentiles. Through His death on the cross, He has made peace between them and reconciled them to God. This mystery is not something that can be understood by human reasoning or logic. It is a truth that can only be revealed by the Holy Spirit. And it is a truth that unites all believers, regardless of their background or ethnicity.

Trick Riddle:

What is the one thing that cannot be earned but is freely given to us in Christ?

It is something that we all desire, but cannot earn through our own efforts. It is a gift that is freely given to us in Christ, without any merit or deserving on our part. What is this trick riddle asking? The answer lies in the book of Ephesians, where we are told that the one thing that cannot be earned but is freely given to us in Christ is salvation. It is a gift of God’s grace, offered to us through faith in Jesus Christ. We cannot earn it through good works or religious observance. It is a gift that is given to us freely, out of God’s love and mercy. And it is a gift that we must receive by faith, trusting in Christ alone for our salvation.

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