Enigma Riddle:
Who was Ezra’s royal patron?
He was a powerful ruler, with a kingdom vast and wide. His name was known throughout the land, and his power could not be denied. He had a heart for God, and sought to do what’s right. He saw the need to rebuild the temple, and gave Ezra his royal might. He provided funds and protection, and gave Ezra all he needed. He was the royal patron, that Ezra’s work succeeded. Who was this king, so powerful and grand? If you know your Bible well, you’ll understand.
Conundrum Riddle:
What did Ezra do that made the people weep?
Ezra was a man of God, with a mission to complete. He led the exiles back to Judah, to rebuild the temple’s seat. He read the Book of the Law, and the people heard and wept. They realized how far they’d strayed, and their sin they had kept. They mourned their disobedience, and the ways they had gone wrong. Ezra comforted and encouraged them, and their faith in God grew strong. What did Ezra do, that made the people weep? Think carefully, the answer’s not too deep.
Lateral Thinking Riddle:
How did Ezra rebuild the temple without using force?
Ezra was a wise man, with a plan to rebuild the temple grand. He knew that force would not suffice, to achieve what he had planned. He used his skills in diplomacy, to negotiate and persuade. He gained the favor of the king, and funds for the temple were made. He rallied the people, and inspired them to give. They donated time and resources, so the temple could once again live. He worked with the builders, and made sure they had all they needed. He oversaw the process, and the temple was rebuilt, as he had succeeded. How did Ezra rebuild the temple, without using force? You’ll need to think outside the box, to stay on course.
Trick Riddle:
What did Ezra bring back from Babylon that was more precious than gold?
Ezra returned from Babylon, with treasures in his hand. But there was one thing more precious, that he brought back to the land. It wasn’t silver or precious stones, or fine embroidered clothes. It wasn’t oil or wine, or anything that glows. It wasn’t food or spices, or anything to eat. It wasn’t weapons or armor, or anything to defeat. What did Ezra bring back, that was more precious than gold? The answer might surprise you, and leave you feeling bold. The answer is simple, yet profound. It’s something we all need, to keep our feet on solid ground. What did Ezra bring back from Babylon, that was more precious than gold? The answer is…the Word of God, to have and to hold.