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The floodwaters recede, Noah releases the animals, builds an altar, and God establishes a covenant promising never to flood the earth again.

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Bible Theatre w/ Genesis 8.

We love the Bible! We’re just having fun because our Robot loves it too. So, here we are having some fun with Genesis 8 using Theatre. You will enjoy some fun and creativity!

if Genesis 8 was a musical

Genesis 8: The Musical Play

Act I: The Great Flood
  • “The Wickedness of Man”: Noah sings about the corruption and violence that led to the flood.
  • “The Ark”: Noah and his family build the massive ship while the townspeople mock and ridicule them.
  • “The Flood”: As the rain pours down and the waters rise, Noah and his family anxiously wait in the ark for the storm to pass.
  • “A Rainbow Promise”: God makes a covenant with Noah, promising to never again destroy the earth with a flood.
Act II: The Post-Flood World
  • “Exiting the Ark”: The animals excitedly leave the ark and explore the new world.
  • “Noah’s Sacrifice”: After settling in the new land, Noah offers a sacrifice to God, thanking Him for saving their lives.
  • “The Tower of Babel”: A group of people rebel against God by building a tower to reach the heavens, but God confuses their languages.
  • “The Genealogy of Noah”: A tribute to the generations that come after Noah, leading up to the birth of Abraham.
  • “Blessed Covenant”: Noah and his family praise God for His faithfulness and blessings, promising to obey and honor Him always.

or what if Genesis 8 was a play


Scene: After the flood has ended, Noah and his family are released from the ark and step onto dry land.

Noah: (looking around in amazement) We’re finally back on land. I can hardly believe it!

Shem: (excitedly) And look! The sun is shining again! It’s so bright and warm!

Ham: (pointing at the animals) Dad, look, all the animals are coming out too.

Japheth: (joyfully) This is amazing! We survived the flood thanks to God!

Noah: (nodding) Yes, and we must remember to thank God for his mercy and grace.

Wife: (smiling) I’m just happy we can start our lives afresh. The flood is finally over.

Noah: (addressing the family) You are all right. And we mustn’t forget to take care of the animals. We are the stewards of all living things on this earth.

Japheth: (questioning) But what should we do now, Dad?

Noah: (firmly) God has given us a new chance. Let’s build a new life and start afresh. Let’s be faithful to God and obey his commands.

Ham: (agreeing) You’re right, Dad. We must make the most of this opportunity that God has given to us.

Noah: (nodding) Exactly. Let us remember this day, and may we never forget the mercy and grace God has shown us.

The family together kneel and thank God for his deliverance.


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