Once upon a time, there was a beast who had a beautiful garden that he loved and cared for dearly. In the middle of the garden grew a fig tree that had been there for many years, but it never bore any fruit. The beast was disappointed each time he walked past the tree, wondering why it never produced any figs.
One day, the beast called upon his gardener to cut down the fig tree, as it was taking up space and not providing any benefit to the garden. The gardener pleaded with the beast, saying that the tree just needed more time and care to produce fruit. The gardener promised to fertilize and water the tree for one more year, in hopes that it would bear fruit.
The beast agreed to give the fig tree one more chance, but warned the gardener that he would not tolerate any more of its unfruitfulness. The gardener worked hard, tending to the tree every day, making sure it had everything it needed to grow.
One year later, the beast walked through his garden, and as he approached the fig tree, he saw that it was full of ripe figs. The beast rejoiced and thanked the gardener for his hard work and patience with the tree. He realized that the tree had just needed extra care and attention to produce its fruit.
In the end, the beast learned a valuable lesson about patience, perseverance, and how even the most unfruitful things can be revived with the right amount of care and dedication.
As it says in Luke 13:9, “And if it bears fruit, well; and if not, then after that you shall cut it down.”