In the same way that a baby slowly grows and develops, so does the Kingdom of God. It starts with a tiny seed of faith, just like a newborn baby that is born small and helpless. But with the right care and nourishment, that baby grows and becomes stronger every day.
Similarly, as we tend to our faith and continuously nurture it with prayer, worship, and obedience, the Kingdom of God grows within us. Just like a baby’s growth is gradual and sometimes imperceptible, we may not always see the progress of our spiritual growth. However, with patience and persistence, we will one day see the fruit of our labor – a healthy, mature faith that is capable of producing a bountiful harvest.
Just as a baby needs time to grow and develop, so does our faith. We must trust in God’s timing and allow Him to work within us, knowing that the end result will be a beautiful and fully formed expression of God’s love and grace.
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