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New Wine in Old Wineskins – Coffee Remix…

a Remix of the Parable found in Mark 9:17

Once upon a time, there was a wise barista who loved brewing the perfect cup of coffee. He had all the latest coffee gadgets and knew all the best brewing methods. One day, he decided to experiment with an old bag of coffee beans that he had forgotten about in the back of his cupboard.

The wise barista ground the old beans and brewed them up, excited to see what kind of new flavor he could create. However, when he took his first sip, he realized something was wrong. The coffee tasted bitter and stale, not at all like he had hoped.

Puzzled, the barista thought back to the wise words of Jesus. He remembered the parable of the new wine in old wineskins and realized that he had made the same mistake. Like the old wineskins, the old coffee beans were no longer capable of holding the freshness and newness of the barista’s brewing methods.

So the wise barista learned a valuable lesson that day. He decided to always use fresh beans and new ingredients in his crafts, realizing that only then would he be able to fully experience and enjoy the flavors and aromas of his creation.

And in the same way, we too must be open to new ideas and fresh perspectives, always willing to adapt and grow in our faith. We cannot rely on old ways of thinking or outdated traditions, but must constantly seek to renew our minds and hearts with the teachings of Christ.

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the Original Parable found in Mark 9:17 (KJV)

And one of the multitude answered and said, Master, I have brought unto thee my son, which hath a dumb spirit;


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