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New Cloth on an Old Coat rewritten for Cats…

a Remix of the Parable found in Matthew 9:16

Once upon a time, there was a group of cats who loved to play and roam around the streets. They were all different colors and sizes, but they all shared one common trait: they were all old cats. One day, a young cat joined their group, and it immediately stood out because of its shiny fur and energetic demeanor.

The old cats were intrigued by the young cat and asked it why it was different from them. The young cat replied that it had just had a bath, which made its fur shiny and new. The old cats scoffed at this and said that they were too old to change.

But the young cat persisted, and it showed the old cats how fun it was to play and explore with new energy. Slowly but surely, the old cats began to adopt the young cat’s attitude and refreshed their own ways of play.

In the end, the old cats realized that they were never too old to change and have fun like the young cat. They learned that even though they were old, they could still learn new ways and feel young again with a fresh coat of fur.

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the Original Parable found in Matthew 9:16 (KJV)

No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse.


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