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Are you tired of constantly fighting with others? Do you feel like your desires are never fulfilled? Look no further than James 4!

In this chapter, we learn about the root cause of conflicts and quarrels. It is our own desires that cause us to become envious and jealous of others. But fear not! James offers a solution – submit to God and resist the devil. When we turn to God, He will give us the grace and strength to overcome our selfish desires and live in peace with others.

Not only that, but James also reminds us of the brevity of life and the importance of making the most of every moment. He urges us to prioritize our relationship with God and use our time wisely.

So, if you’re ready to say goodbye to constant conflict and unfulfilled desires, turn to James 4 and let its wisdom guide you towards a more fulfilling life.

As James 4:8 says, "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you." Don’t wait any longer – make the decision to submit to God today!

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