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Join the giving train, don’t be lame! 2 Cor 8 says give generously, it’s not just a game!

Are you looking to make a difference in the world? Do you want to show your generosity and help those in need? Look no further than 2 Corinthians 8!

This chapter is all about giving generously to others, even when we may not have a lot ourselves. It encourages us to give out of our abundance, and to do so cheerfully and willingly.

Imagine the impact you could make by following this advice. By giving generously to those in need, you could change lives and make a real difference in the world.

But it’s not just about the impact you can have on others. As verse 7 reminds us, "Excel in this grace of giving," we can also benefit from the act of giving itself. By being generous, we can experience joy, gratitude, and a sense of purpose.

So why wait? Start giving generously today, and see how you can make a difference in the world. As 2 Corinthians 8:12 reminds us, "For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have." Let’s be willing and generous in our giving, and change the world together.

Call to action: Take a moment to think about how you can give generously to those in need. Whether it’s through volunteering, donating money or resources, or simply offering a kind word, there are countless ways to show generosity. Choose one way to give generously today, and see how it can make a difference in someone’s life.

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