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Join the End Times party – Revelation 18 has everything you need!

Are you tired of living in a world filled with evil and corruption? Do you long for a new, pure and perfect land to call home? Look no further than Revelation 18!

This chapter foretells the fall of Babylon, the great city that embodies all that is wrong with our current world. But fear not, for this destruction leads to the establishment of the New Jerusalem, a city described as beautiful, pure, and untainted by sin.

Don’t wait any longer to escape the darkness of this world and enter into the glorious light of the New Jerusalem. As it says in Revelation 18:4, "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues."

Join us in turning away from the ways of Babylon and embracing the promise of a new and perfect world. Don’t miss out on this opportunity for eternal salvation. Act now and secure your place in the New Jerusalem!

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