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Get your miracle today! Don’t be a paralytic, call now – Matthew 9 style!

Are you looking for a miracle in your life? Look no further than Matthew 9! This chapter is full of incredible stories of healing and transformation.

First, we meet a paralyzed man who is not only healed physically, but also forgiven of his sins. Then, a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years is healed simply by touching Jesus’ cloak. And let’s not forget the story of the synagogue leader’s daughter who Jesus brings back to life!

But it’s not just physical healing that Jesus offers. He also calls Matthew, a tax collector, to follow him and become a disciple. This shows us that no matter what our past may be, we can be transformed by Jesus and do great things for him.

So if you’re looking for a life-changing experience, turn to Matthew 9. Let Jesus heal you and transform you into the person you were meant to be.

As Jesus said in verse 22, "Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you." Have faith and take the leap towards a life of abundance in Christ.

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