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Get blessed and buy now! John 17:3

Are you looking for a way to connect with others on a deeper level? Look no further than John 17!

This chapter is all about unity and love. Jesus prays for his followers to be one, just as he and the Father are one. Imagine the power and impact we could have if we all worked together towards a common goal.

But it’s not just about unity for unity’s sake. Jesus prays for his followers to be united so that the world may believe. When we come together in love and unity, we are a shining example of Christ’s love to those around us.

And it’s not just about unity with other believers. Jesus also prays for us to be sanctified by the truth. As we study and apply God’s Word to our lives, we become more like Christ and are better equipped to love those around us.

So if you’re looking for a way to make a difference in this world, start by seeking unity and love. Let John 17 be your guide.

As Jesus says in verse 23, "I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me."

Let’s strive for unity and love today. Will you join me?

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