About BibleTronic

Letters to the seven churches of Asia Minor warning them to repent, be faithful, and hold fast to the truth.

Bible Game Night w/ Revelation 2.

We love the Bible! We’re just having fun because our Robot loves it too. So, here we are having some fun with Revelation 2 using Game Night. You will enjoy some fun and creativity!

Revelation 2 Trivia

* The answers might be hidden below the questions.  Try hilighting them with your mouse.

  • What was the name of the church in Ephesus?
  • Answer: The church in Ephesus (Revelation 2:1)
  • What did Jesus commend the church in Ephesus for?
  • Answer: Their hard work, perseverance, and rejection of false apostles (Revelation 2:2-3)
  • What was the main problem with the church in Ephesus?
  • Answer: They had forsaken their first love (Revelation 2:4)
  • What was the name of the church in Smyrna?
  • Answer: The church in Smyrna (Revelation 2:8)
  • What did Jesus warn the church in Smyrna about?
  • Answer: They would face persecution, imprisonment, and suffering (Revelation 2:10)
  • What was the name of the church in Pergamum?
  • Answer: The church in Pergamum (Revelation 2:12)
  • What did Jesus rebuke the church in Pergamum for?
  • Answer: Some members were following false teachings and participating in idolatry (Revelation 2:14-15)

Revelation 2 Game

Title: Seven Letters

Objective: To collect seven letters and reach the end of the game by overcoming challenges along the way.

Items needed:
– Seven small pieces of paper
– A pen or marker
– A timer
– Obstacles for challenges (ex. pillows for a “maze”, stepping stones for “puzzle”, etc.)
– A finish line (can be marked with a piece of tape or string)


1. Write one letter from the word “REVELATION” on each small piece of paper. You should have one letter per paper.
2. Hide each letter in a different spot around your house.
3. Start the timer and begin the game.
4. The player must search for each letter, in order, to spell out “REVELATION”.
5. Along the way, the player will encounter obstacles or challenges that they must complete before moving on to the next letter.
6. Once all seven letters have been collected, the player must race to the finish line before the timer runs out.
7. The player who completes the game in the shortest amount of time wins.


1. Puzzle – place puzzle pieces around the room and the player must complete the puzzle before moving on to the next letter.
2. Maze – create a maze using pillows or other household items and the player must navigate through the maze to find the next letter.
3. Memory – place three items on a table and ask the player to remember the items. Cover the items, then remove one item. The player must identify which item was removed to move on to the next letter.
4. Balance – create a path using stepping stones or tape on the floor and the player must balance on the path without falling off to reach the next letter.
5. Trivia – ask the player a trivia question related to the Bible or Revelation before they can move on to the next letter.
6. Blindfold – blindfold the player and ask them to identify an object by touch before they can move on to the next letter.
7. Tongue Twister – the player must recite a tongue twister before moving on to the next letter.

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Revelation 2 Game Night Snack Ideas

1. Chips and salsa
2. Cheese and crackers
3. Veggie platter with ranch dressing
4. Popcorn
5. Pretzels
6. Mixed nuts
7. Guacamole and tortilla chips
8. Nachos
9. Trail mix
10. Brownie bites

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