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Florida Man Crowned King, Refuses to Nap: 2 Kings 11

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Florida Man Crowned King, Refuses to Nap: 2 Kings 11

In a bizarre turn of events, a seven-year-old boy from Florida has been crowned king after a coup d’etat in the kingdom. This Florida Man, whose identity has not been revealed, is now the youngest king in history.

Despite his age, the new king is already making waves with his refusal to take naps. "Naps are for babies," he reportedly told his advisors. "I’m a big boy now and I don’t need to nap."

As if that wasn’t enough, the young king has also been seen driving a golf cart around the palace grounds, much to the dismay of his security detail. "He’s only seven years old," one guard said. "He shouldn’t even be able to reach the pedals!"

Despite the chaos, the new king seems to be enjoying himself. He has already issued a decree that all schools in the kingdom will now have a recess period that lasts all day. "Learning is boring," he said in a statement. "Kids should be able to have fun all day long."

It remains to be seen how long this Florida Man will stay in power, but one thing is for sure: it’s going to be a wild ride.


The story of the seven-year-old king in 2 Kings 11 is certainly an interesting one, but it also serves as a reminder that we need to be careful who we put in positions of power. The young king was only able to stay in power for a short time before he was overthrown, showing that even the youngest and most inexperienced leader can be taken down.

As we read through the Bible, we see many examples of both good and bad leaders, and we can learn from their successes and failures. Let us strive to be wise and discerning in our own lives and in the leaders we choose to follow.

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