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Zacchaeus and Solomon discuss The Chicago Bears

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Three random fictitious conversations between Zacchaeus and Solomon about The Chicago Bears. That might have taken place at various times in history… But did not!

Let's Talk About The Chicago Bears

Zacchaeus: I have to tell you, Solomon, I had an epiphany about The Chicago Bears last night. I’ve been a fan for years, but I realized I’ve been putting them before God.

Solomon: Interesting. As a wise king, I know the dangers of idolizing anything above God. So, what did you do about it?

Zacchaeus: I repented and promised God that I would not let my love for the Bears come before Him. But, I still have hope for them to win the Super Bowl.

Solomon: How do you reconcile that hope with putting God first?

Zacchaeus: Well, as a tax collector, I know the importance of balancing priorities. We can still have hope for earthly things, like the Bears winning, but we mustn’t let it negatively impact our relationship with God.

Solomon: That’s a good point. It’s like the parable of the talents. We can pursue our earthly passions while still using our talents for the glory of God.

Zacchaeus: Exactly! And maybe the Bears winning the Super Bowl could bring glory to God, by uplifting the spirits of their fans and bringing joy to the city.

Solomon: A Bears fan with a balanced perspective? Who would have thought? I’d say that’s a pretty good moral of the story – we can pursue our earthly passions but remember to keep God first and use them for His glory.

Zacchaeus: Amen to that, Solomon. And maybe, just maybe, the Bears will win it all one day.

The Chicago Bears Debate

Zacchaeus and debate The Chicago Bears

Zacchaeus: Hey Solomon, have you heard about the Chicago Bears?

Solomon: Yes, I have. What’s your point, Zacchaeus?

Zacchaeus: Well, I think they’re going to have a great season this year. They’ve got a strong defense and a great quarterback.

Solomon: I don’t know, Zacchaeus. The Bears have a long history of disappointment. They’re like the fools who build their houses on sand. Their team might look strong now, but they’re always one injury away from crumbling.

Zacchaeus: That’s a bit pessimistic, don’t you think? Besides, what do you know about football? You’re a king!

Solomon: Just because I’m a king doesn’t mean I’m ignorant about the world around me. I know enough to see that the Bears’ chances aren’t as great as you think. Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they end up as the league’s official jester.

Zacchaeus: Well, we’ll just have to agree to disagree. I think the Bears are going to surprise everyone this year. And who knows, maybe they’ll even win the Super Bowl!

Solomon: Hahaha, now that’s just funny, Zacchaeus. But, I do admit I like your optimism. Go Bears, I guess!

The Chicago Bears - Game Time

Some Fun

Let’s go with ‘Twenty Questions.’

Zacchaeus: Okay, I’m thinking of a person.

Solomon: Is this person currently playing for the Chicago Bears?

Zacchaeus: Yes, he is.

Solomon: Is he a quarterback?

Zacchaeus: No, he’s not.

Solomon: Is he a wide receiver?

Zacchaeus: No, not that either.

Solomon: Alright, let me think. Is he a defensive player?

Zacchaeus: Yes, he is.

Solomon: Is he a linebacker?

Zacchaeus: No, he’s not.

Solomon: Is he a defensive end?

Zacchaeus: Nope, not a defensive end.

Solomon: Is he a cornerback?

Zacchaeus: Yes, he is!

Solomon: Does he have a last name that starts with the letter “F”?

Zacchaeus: No, his last name doesn’t start with an “F”.

Solomon: Hmm, let’s see. Is he a rookie?

Zacchaeus: No, he’s not.

Solomon: Okay, last question. Does he have a last name that starts with the letter “J”?

Zacchaeus: Yes, he does! You got it, Solomon! The player I was thinking of is Kyle Fuller.

Solomon: Fantastic! That was a great round of twenty questions. I have to admit, I am quite impressed with your knowledge of football, Zacchaeus.

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About Zacchaeus from the New Testament

Zacchaeus was a tax collector from Jericho, known for his dishonest ways and greed. He was considered a sinner by many in his community, and his profession made him highly unpopular among the Jewish people. Despite this, Zacchaeus was drawn to Jesus and wanted to see him, but his short stature meant he couldn’t see over the crowd. So he climbed a tree to get a better view.

When Jesus saw him, he called Zacchaeus down and told him he wanted to stay at his house. Overjoyed, Zacchaeus welcomed Jesus into his home and promised to give half of his possessions to the poor and make amends to anyone he had cheated. Jesus praised him for his repentance and declared him saved, saying, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:9-10).

Zacchaeus’ encounter with Jesus transformed his life and showed him the power of repentance and forgiveness. From a selfish and oppressive tax collector, he became a generous and upright citizen of God’s kingdom. His story reminds us that no one is beyond redemption and that Jesus’ love and grace can transform even the hardest heart.

About Solomon from the Old Testament

Solomon was the son of King David and Bathsheba, and he was chosen by God to succeed David as the king of Israel. He was a wise and just ruler, renowned for his wealth and wisdom. According to the Bible, God appeared to Solomon in a dream and offered to give him anything he asked for. Solomon requested wisdom, and God granted his request, making him the wisest man who ever lived (1 Kings 3:5-14).

Solomon’s great wisdom and discernment were on display in a famous story in which he presided over a dispute between two women who both claimed to be the mother of a newborn baby. Solomon suggested cutting the baby in half and giving each woman a portion, but when one of the women offered to give up her claim to the child to save its life, Solomon knew that she was the true mother (1 Kings 3:16-28).

Under Solomon’s leadership, Israel experienced a time of great prosperity and peace. He oversaw the construction of the magnificent Temple in Jerusalem, which became the center of Jewish worship. However, Solomon’s later years were marred by his indulgence in sin and idolatry, which led to the division of Israel after his death.

Despite his flaws, Solomon remains an important figure in Christian theology as a symbol of wisdom and justice. In the New Testament, Jesus himself praised Solomon’s wisdom (Matthew 12:42), and the book of Proverbs, which is attributed to him, continues to be a source of inspiration and guidance for Christians around the world.

About The Chicago Bears

The Chicago Bears are a football team that has a rich history in the NFL. However, as Christians, we should not place too much importance on sports and entertainment. Instead, let us focus on the Kingdom of God and spreading His love to others. While supporting and enjoying sports can be a good way to relax and have fun, let us not forget our true purpose in life – to glorify God and serve others. So, while we may root for the Bears, let us not let it distract us from what really matters in life.

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