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Thomas and Bathsheba discuss Sexuality

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Three random fictitious conversations between Thomas and Bathsheba about Sexuality. That might have taken place at various times in history… But did not!

Let's Talk About Sexuality

Thomas: Hey, Bathsheba. Have you ever heard of the birds and the bees?

Bathsheba: The birds and the what now?

Thomas: The birds and the bees. You know, the talk about sexuality.

Bathsheba: I don’t follow. What’s there to talk about?

Thomas: Oh, there’s plenty to talk about when it comes to sex. Like, where do babies come from? How do we control our urges? Is it a sin to think about it?

Bathsheba: Well, as far as I know, babies come from God. And I guess we control our urges by being faithful to our spouse.

Thomas: But what about all these desires we have? Doesn’t God understand our natural inclinations?

Bathsheba: Of course, God understands us better than we do. But that doesn’t mean we should indulge in every desire we have. We need to be responsible and exercise self-control.

Thomas: But isn’t that boring? I mean, what’s the point of being married if we can’t have fun?

Bathsheba: Marriage is about more than just having fun. It’s about building a life together, loving and supporting each other, and creating a family that honors God. And the best way to have fun is within the boundaries that God has set for us.

Thomas: Hmm, I see your point. But what if we mess up? What if we give in to our desires and do something we regret?

Bathsheba: We’re not perfect, Thomas. We all make mistakes. But the good news is that God forgives us when we ask for forgiveness and repent. And with His help, we can learn from our mistakes and avoid making the same ones again.

Thomas: That’s a good point. I guess sex isn’t just about pleasure, it’s also about responsibility and commitment.

Bathsheba: Exactly. God designed sex to be a beautiful expression of love and commitment between a husband and wife. When we honor that design, we experience joy and fulfillment in our relationships.

Thomas: Well said, Bathsheba. I never thought I’d learn so much about sex from someone who lived in Old Testament times.

Bathsheba: (laughs) You’d be surprised what we knew back then. But the principles of God’s design for sexuality are timeless and universal.

Thomas: And that’s a moral of the story, folks. Sex isn’t just about satisfying our desires, it’s about honoring God’s design for intimacy and building healthy relationships with our spouses. Thanks for the talk, Bathsheba. You’re a wise woman.

Bathsheba: (smiling) My pleasure, Thomas. Anytime you want to talk about the birds and the bees, just let me know.

Sexuality Debate

Thomas and debate Sexuality

Thomas: I must say Bathsheba, I am quite skeptical when it comes to this idea of sexuality. It seems a bit…wild, if you ask me.

Bathsheba: Oh Thomas, sexuality is a natural part of life! Embrace it!

Thomas: But what about all of the rules and regulations surrounding it? The Bible seems to have quite a lot to say on the matter.

Bathsheba: Well, of course it does! Sexuality is a powerful force, and it’s important to respect it.

Thomas: But why does it have to be so confusing? There are rules about who can’t have sex with whom, when you can and cannot have sex, and even how you’re supposed to have sex. It’s all quite overwhelming.

Bathsheba: Oh, come now Thomas. It’s not that complicated. Just stick to the rules, and you’ll be fine.

Thomas: Stick to the rules? But they’re constantly changing! One minute it’s okay to marry your cousin, the next it’s not. How are we supposed to keep up?

Bathsheba: Well, times change, and so do the rules. We must simply trust in God’s plan and follow his guidance.

Thomas: But what if I stumble? What if I break one of the rules? Will I be punished?

Bathsheba: Thomas, we all make mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them, and strive to do better in the future.

Thomas: I suppose you have a point there. But still, this whole sexuality business is quite confusing.

Bathsheba: Oh Thomas, don’t be such a doubter! Life is meant to be enjoyed, and sexuality is just one of the many gifts that God has given us. Embrace it, and you may just find that it’s not as confusing as you once thought.

Sexuality - Game Time

Some Fun

Game: Twenty Questions

Thomas: Okay, I’ll start. Is it something you do alone or with other people?

Bathsheba: Mostly with other people.

Thomas: Is it enjoyable?

Bathsheba: For the most part, yes.

Thomas: Is it something you can do with anyone?

Bathsheba: Technically, yes, but some people may not be willing.

Thomas: Is it related to physical touch?

Bathsheba: Yes, it often involves physical touch.

Thomas: Is it something that can lead to emotional connections?

Bathsheba: Absolutely.

Thomas: Is it something you can do with both genders?

Bathsheba: Yes.

Thomas: Is it something most people do?

Bathsheba: I’d say so.

Thomas: Is it something you can do for procreation purposes only?

Bathsheba: No, it can also be for pleasure.

Thomas: Is it something you only do in private?

Bathsheba: Not necessarily, but it’s typically more private.

Thomas: Is it something that has been stigmatized in the past?

Bathsheba: Unfortunately, yes.

Thomas: Is it part of an individual’s identity?

Bathsheba: It can sometimes be, yes.

Thomas: Is it something that people can be shamed for?

Bathsheba: Unfortunately, yes.

Thomas: Is it something that can be explored and experimented with?

Bathsheba: Of course.

Thomas: Is it related to sexual desire?

Bathsheba: Yes.

Thomas: Is it related to a person’s sexual orientation?

Bathsheba: Absolutely.

Thomas: Is it something people should be ashamed of?

Bathsheba: No, never. It’s a natural and beautiful part of life.

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About Thomas from the New Testament

Thomas was one of the twelve apostles chosen by Jesus Christ. He was also known as ‘Doubting Thomas’ because of his initial refusal to believe that Jesus had risen from the dead. However, when he saw the risen Lord with his own eyes, he exclaimed, “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:28) from this experience he passionately spread the word of God, even risking martyrdom by traveling to India to share the Gospel.

Thomas’ life is a testimony of the grace and power of Christ to transform a doubter into a faithful witness. As Jesus himself said, “Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.” (John 20:29) Thus, Thomas became an example of how faith in the living God can transform the hearts and lives of all people. Today, we can learn from Thomas’s example and become bold witnesses of God’s saving power in our own lives.

About Bathsheba from the Old Testament

Bathsheba, also known as Bathshua, was a wife of King David and the mother of King Solomon. She is mentioned in the Old Testament in 2 Samuel 11 and 12. Bathsheba was a woman of great beauty and wisdom, and she captured the attention of King David while he was walking on the rooftop of his palace.

David was attracted to Bathsheba, and he took her to his palace and had an affair with her. When Bathsheba became pregnant, David tried to cover up his sin by having her husband, Uriah, killed in battle. However, God was not pleased with David’s actions and sent Nathan the prophet to confront him about his sin.

Despite the sin and scandal surrounding her, Bathsheba remained faithful to God and his commandments. She was eventually exalted as the mother of King Solomon, who became one of the wisest and richest kings in Israel’s history.

Bathsheba’s story reminds us that even when we sin, God’s mercy and grace are always available to us if we turn to him in repentance. As the psalmist wrote, “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love” (Psalm 103:8).

About Sexuality

Sexuality is a subject that can evoke a variety of emotions and opinions among Christians. However, it is an area that cannot be ignored as it is a fundamental aspect of human nature. As followers of Christ, we are called to respect and honor our bodies and those of others. Our sexuality should reflect that.

In the Bible, we are reminded that marriage is the only acceptable place for sexual activity. Sexual intimacy outside of marriage is considered a sin. It is essential to remember that the ultimate goal of sex is to create intimacy and unity within the context of marriage.

As Christians, we are also called to respect the dignity and worth of every person, regardless of their sexuality. We are to love and show compassion to those who struggle with same-sex attraction or any other sexual sin. It is not our place to judge, but to show Christ’s love and acceptance to all.

Finally, we must also remember that sexuality is not our identity. We are first and foremost children of God, created in His image. Our sexuality does not define us, and our worth is not determined by our sexual preferences.

In conclusion, sexuality is a crucial aspect of human nature that requires careful consideration and understanding. As Christians, we are called to respect and honor our bodies and others, show love and compassion to those who struggle, and remember that our identity is rooted in our relationship with God.

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