Martha and Abraham discuss Chocolate

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Three random fictitious conversations between Martha and Abraham about Chocolate. That might have taken place at various times in history… But did not!

Let's Talk About Chocolate

Martha: Abraham, have you ever heard of chocolate?

Abraham: Chocolate? What kind of animal is that?

Martha: Oh, it’s not an animal, it’s a sweet treat made from cocoa beans.

Abraham: Cocoa beans? I’ve never heard of those. Where do they come from?

Martha: They come from a tree in a far-off land called South America. But we can trade for them and use them to make delicious chocolate!

Abraham: Hmm, I’m not sure about that. I’m content with just drinking milk and honey.

Martha: But Abraham, chocolate is so much more than just a sweet treat. It can bring joy and happiness to those who partake in it.

Abraham: I see your point, Martha. Maybe I’ll try some chocolate someday.

Martha: I think you’ll really like it. But remember, it’s important to indulge in moderation and not let our pleasures become our vices.

Abraham: That’s wise advice, Martha. It reminds me of the teachings of our Lord, who tells us to always seek moderation and balance in our lives.

Martha: Exactly! And even in the midst of our earthly pleasures, we must remember to give thanks to God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us.

Abraham: Amen to that, Martha. Let us be grateful for all that we have and all the new experiences that come our way, even if it’s in the form of chocolate.

Chocolate Debate

Martha and debate Chocolate

Martha: Hey there Abraham, have you ever tasted chocolate?

Abraham: Chocolate? What is that?

Martha: It’s a sweet treat made from the cocoa plant. It’s a recent discovery from the new world.

Abraham: Hmm, I don’t know about that, Martha. I prefer sticking to the traditional meals and snacks.

Martha: Come on, Abraham, don’t you ever crave something sweet?

Abraham: Of course, I do, but I rely on honey and dried fruits as my go-to sweet treats.

Martha: Well, have you ever thought of trying something new?

Abraham: I have. I’ve tried different fruits and nuts, but chocolate, it’s just not something that appeals to me.

Martha: Maybe it’s because you’ve never tried it. It’s like manna from heaven, Abraham.

Abraham: (laughing) Manna from heaven? That’s quite the claim, Martha.

Martha: I’m telling you, Abraham, it’s like a little piece of heaven melting in your mouth.

Abraham: Hmm, well, it does sound tempting. But, as a nomad, I don’t have the resources to get my hands on cocoa.

Martha: That’s understandable. But, when you do come across it, give it a try. I promise you won’t regret it.

Abraham: I’ll keep that in mind, Martha. But, don’t be surprised if I stick to my dried fruits and honeycomb for now.

Martha: (laughing) Suit yourself, Abraham. But, one day, I’ll convert you to the chocolate-loving side.

Abraham: (laughing) We’ll see about that, Martha. We’ll see.

Chocolate - Game Time

Some Fun

Martha: Let’s play a game, Abraham. How about we play a game of ‘I spy’?

Abraham: Sure thing, Martha. Let’s get started.

Martha: Alright, I spy with my little eye something that is brown and sweet.

Abraham: Hmm… Is it chocolate?

Martha: Yes, it is! Your turn to spy now.

Abraham: Okay, I spy with my little eye something that melts in your mouth.

Martha: Is it chocolate again?

Abraham: Yes, it is! Your turn again.

Martha: Let’s switch it up. Let’s play ‘twenty-questions’ instead. You can go first.

Abraham: Alright, is it a type of candy?

Martha: Yes, it is. Is it something that you would find in a candy bar?

Abraham: Yes, it is. Is it something that has nuts in it?

Martha: Yes, sometimes. Is it something that has caramel in it?

Abraham: No, it doesn’t. Is it something that has a creamy texture?

Martha: Yes, it does. Is it chocolate truffle?

Abraham: Yes, it is! You guessed it. Want to play another round?

Martha: Sure, let’s go for it.

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About Martha from the New Testament

Martha, also known as Marta, was a woman of faith who lived during the time of Jesus Christ. She is mentioned in the New Testament as the sister of Lazarus and Mary of Bethany. Martha was known for her hospitality and service, and she welcomed Jesus into her home on several occasions.

In one well-known story, Martha was busy preparing food and serving guests while her sister Mary sat at the feet of Jesus, listening to his teachings. Martha became frustrated and asked Jesus to tell Mary to help her, but Jesus gently reminded Martha that Mary had chosen the better thing by focusing on her relationship with him (Luke 10:38-42).

Despite this momentary lapse, Martha remained committed to serving Jesus and her community. She displayed great faith in Jesus when her brother Lazarus died, believing that he had the power to raise Lazarus from the dead (John 11:21-27). Her faith was rewarded when Jesus did, in fact, perform this miracle, leading many to believe in him.

Martha serves as an example of faith and service to Christians today. She reminds us to prioritize our relationship with Jesus above all else and to use our gifts and talents to serve those around us.

About Abraham from the Old Testament

Abraham, also known as Abram, was a man of great faith and obedience to God. Born in Ur of the Chaldees, he was called by God to leave his homeland and go to a land that God would show him. Without hesitation, he obeyed God’s command and became a nomad, traveling from place to place with his family and flocks.

God made a covenant with Abraham, promising to make him the father of many nations and to bless him and his descendants. Despite his old age and the barrenness of his wife Sarah, God fulfilled his promise and gave them a son, Isaac.

Abraham’s faith was tested when God asked him to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering. Without question, Abraham obeyed God’s command, but at the last moment, an angel of the Lord stopped him from carrying out the sacrifice, confirming his faith and obedience.

Abraham’s legacy of faith and obedience continues to inspire Christians today. In the New Testament, the apostle Paul refers to Abraham as an example of faith in Romans 4:3 and Galatians 3:6, declaring that “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness.”

About Chocolate

Chocolate has been enjoyed by many people around the world for centuries. This delectable treat comes in different forms such as bars, cakes, and drinks. But have you ever wondered about the origin of chocolate and how it is connected to our faith?

Chocolate is made from cocoa beans which originate from Central and South America. The Mayans and Aztecs believed that cocoa beans were a gift from their gods. They used it in religious ceremonies and even as a form of currency. Christopher Columbus was the first European to encounter cocoa beans on his journey to America, and he brought back some samples to show the Spanish king and queen.

Nowadays, chocolate is a popular gift during holidays such as Christmas and Easter. Some people may argue that chocolate has no significance in our faith. However, it can be a reminder of our God’s goodness and grace. In James 1:17, it says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” We can appreciate the gift of chocolate knowing that it was created and provided by God.

Furthermore, we can also use chocolate as a form of hospitality and love towards others. In Hebrews 13:2, it says, “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” We can share a bar of chocolate or bake a chocolate cake for our neighbours, friends, and family to show them that we care.

In conclusion, chocolate may seem like a simple pleasure in life, but it has a rich history and can be used as a reminder of our God’s goodness and a way to show hospitality and love to others. Let us enjoy this gift from God with gratitude and share it with others.

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