As a superhero fueled by cosmic energy, Captain Marvel has witnessed countless tales of heroism and adventure. But he was not prepared for the epic journey that unravelled before his very eyes as he read through the book of Mark in the Holy Bible. The story depicted a man who was no less than a hero, but one who had the power to change the course of history forever: Jesus Christ.
The book of Mark begins with the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist, followed by his forty-day journey in the wilderness where he encounters Satan. He then sets off on his ministry where he preaches and heals those in need. Jesus quickly gathers a group of disciples, even raising one from the dead, and the book chronicles some of the more significant miracles Jesus performed, such as the feeding of the five thousand and calming a storm.
Despite his kindness and miraculous powers, Jesus also faced immense opposition and was ultimately sentenced to death by the Roman authorities. He was crucified, buried, but three days later, rose from the dead, fulfilling prophecies that promised eternal life to believers. The book concludes with Jesus ascending into heaven, promising to return one day.
Captain Marvel was struck by how much the story of Jesus paralleled his own experiences as a superhero. Both faced impossible odds, and both possessed extraordinary powers that they used to help others. But he couldn’t help but chuckle at the irony that while he fought his battles on Earth, Jesus looked beyond this world to a bigger picture.
“In space, no one can hear you scream, but in Heaven, they hear you loud and clear,” he quipped. Even as a superhero, Captain Marvel knew that there was an ultimate power above his own, that one day, he too would bow down to.