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The Celebrity The rock Gives a Summary of 3 John

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This is a fictional Bible reading. The rock did not actually make this Bible reading.

Well, well, well, you know who it is – The Rock! And today I’m going to take you through the Bible book of 3 John, because let’s be honest, The Rock has a lot of knowledge when it comes to getting things done.

So, in this book, we see the apostle John writing a letter to a guy named Gaius. Now, Gaius was a faithful follower of Jesus, and John was praising him for his commitment and generosity towards other believers. The Rock can definitely relate to that – I know what it’s like to give back to the people who have supported you.

But then John starts talking about this other guy named Diotrephes, who was causing some trouble. He was basically a power-hungry dude who didn’t want to listen to anyone else, and he was even kicking people out of the church just because they didn’t agree with him. That’s not the kind of guy The Rock would want to mess with, that’s for sure.

But the thing that really stands out to me in this book is how much emphasis John puts on hospitality. He tells Gaius to welcome and support traveling preachers and missionaries who come to his town, because they are doing important work for the kingdom of God. The Rock knows a thing or two about hospitality – I always make sure my guests feel welcome and well-fed. In fact, I’ve got a recipe for my famous Rock-approved pancakes that I think John and Gaius would have appreciated.

But all in all, the main message of 3 John is to love and support our fellow believers, even if we don’t always agree with them. As The Rock always says, we’re all in this together. And that’s a lesson that’s just as important now as it was back then.

So let me end with a classic Rock quote: “If you’re going to do something, do it big or don’t do it at all.” And that’s exactly what John is calling us to do – to love and serve with everything we’ve got.

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About The rock

Dwayne Douglas Johnson, popularly known by his ring name ‘The Rock,’ is an American- Canadian actor, producer, and retired professional wrestler. Born on 2nd May 1972 in Hayward, California, Johnson comes from a long line of wrestlers and football players. He rose to fame in the late 1990s as a professional wrestler under the World Wrestling Federation (WWF), where he gained his iconic ring name, The Rock.

During his wrestling career, The Rock won several championships and became one of the most popular and highest-paid wrestlers in the industry. He later transitioned into acting and has starred in several blockbuster movies, including the Fast and Furious franchise, Jumanji, and Skyscraper. As a producer, Johnson has also been involved in the production of various television shows and movies.

Aside from his successful career, The Rock is also known for his philanthropic deeds. He has supported several charities and organizations, such as Make-A-Wish Foundation, ChildFund International, and the Dwayne Johnson Rock Foundation, which focuses on helping terminally ill children.

Overall, The Rock is a multi-talented personality who has garnered tremendous success in the entertainment industry and continues to inspire millions of fans worldwide.


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