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The Celebrity Sam Harris Gives a Summary of Genesis

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This is a fictional Bible reading. Sam Harris did not actually make this Bible reading.

Well, let me just say that the Bible book of Genesis is quite a wild ride. It starts off with this big guy in the sky named God who decides to create the world in six days. Sounds like he really needed to up his time management skills, if you ask me.

Anyway, God creates Adam and Eve, the first humans, and plops them down in this garden called Eden. He tells them not to eat from this one tree in the garden, but of course, they do. Classic human move. This gets God pretty upset, so he kicks them out of the garden and curses them and all of their descendants with sin. Thanks, God.

As time goes on, the human population grows and things get pretty crazy. There’s this guy named Noah who builds an ark and saves all the animals from a giant flood that God sends to wipe out humanity. He then gets drunk and passes out naked in his tent, which is a bit of a weird flex if you ask me.

Next up, we have the story of Abraham, who God chooses to be the father of a great nation. Abraham has a son named Isaac, and God tells him to sacrifice him as a test of his loyalty. Abraham is totally down to do it until God stops him at the last minute and is like, “Nah, I was just kidding, dude.”

Isaac has two sons, Jacob and Esau, and they have a pretty intense sibling rivalry. Jacob steals Esau’s birthright and tricks their father into giving him the blessing meant for Esau. This leads to Esau vowing to kill Jacob, and Jacob fleeing to another land where he has a bunch of kids and becomes super wealthy.

The story of Genesis ends with Joseph, one of Jacob’s sons, who is sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. Joseph rises to power in Egypt and saves the land from a famine, reuniting with his family in the process.

All in all, it’s a pretty wild and dramatic ride, but it definitely raises some questions about God’s morality and decision-making abilities. But hey, as I always say, “If God wanted me to believe in him, he would exist.”

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About Sam Harris

Sam Harris is an American singer, songwriter and actor best known for his work in musical theater. He was born on June 4, 1971 in Sand Springs, Oklahoma, and grew up in Tulsa. Harris first gained national attention as a contestant on the first season of the television show Star Search in 1983, where he won the grand prize in the male vocalist category. He went on to release several successful albums, including Sam Harris (1984), Sam-I-Am (1986), and Different Stages (1992). Harris has also appeared on Broadway, starring in shows such as The Life, Grease, and The Producers. In addition to his work in entertainment, Harris has been an outspoken advocate for LGBTQ rights, and has been open about his own sexuality as a gay man.


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