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The Celebrity Kent Hovind Gives a Summary of Genesis

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This is a fictional Bible reading. Kent Hovind did not actually make this Bible reading.

Well hello there everyone, it’s your favorite creation scientist, Kent Hovind! Today, we’re going to take a little journey through the book of Genesis, and boy oh boy, what a wild ride it is.

Now, Genesis starts off with God creating the heavens and the earth in six literal days – that’s right, six days, just like it says in Exodus 20:11. None of this millions of years nonsense. And on the sixth day, God created man in his own image, which means we have a soul and we’re not just some evolved monkey like the evolutionists would have you believe.

But of course, you have that pesky serpent in the garden of Eden trying to ruin everything. He tempts Eve into eating the fruit from the forbidden tree and then she gets Adam to eat it too. And that’s when sin enters the world, and once sin enters, everything falls apart.

Fast forward a bit and we have Noah, building his ark and saving all the animals from the flood. Now, I’ve actually done a lot of research on this myself, and I can tell you that the flood was a real event, backed up by evidence all around the world.

Then we have Abraham, and God makes a covenant with him, promising to make him the father of many nations. And boy, did God deliver on that promise – just look at the Jewish people today!

But of course, there’s always someone trying to mess things up. Cue Jacob and Esau and their little sibling rivalry. And then we have Joseph, who was sold into slavery by his own brothers. But God had a plan for Joseph, and he ended up becoming second in command in Egypt.

Finally, we come to the end of Genesis and everything comes full circle. Joseph forgives his brothers and they all move to Egypt to escape a famine. And that’s where the story of Genesis leaves off.

Now, I know some people like to try and discredit the Bible and say it’s just a bunch of fairy tales, but I’m here to tell you that the evidence supports the truth of the Bible. And hey, if you’re ever in Pensacola, Florida, come on down to the Dinosaur Adventure Land – we’d love to have you!

And as a wise man once said, “When evolutionists are in trouble, they always come to Genesis.”

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About Kent Hovind

Kent Hovind is an American Christian fundamentalist evangelist and tax protester. He is best known for his creationist and anti-evolution beliefs and his promotion of Young Earth creationism. Hovind has produced a large amount of material on creationism, including books, videos, and lectures. He has also been a controversial figure due to his refusal to pay taxes and multiple legal issues, including fraud and money laundering. Hovind has been the subject of numerous debates and documentaries related to his beliefs and legal troubles.


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