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The Animated Character Butthead (Beavis & Butthead Do America) Gives a Summary of Ecclesiastes

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This is a fictional Bible reading. Butthead (Beavis & Butthead Do America) did not actually make this Bible reading.

“Hey Beavis, have you ever heard of this dude called Qoheleth? He’s like this really weird guy who wrote a book in the Bible called Ecclesiastes, and it’s super depressing, man.”

“Oh yeah, I think I’ve heard of that guy. Isn’t he the one who says everything is meaningless and there’s no point to anything?”

“Yeah, that’s the dude. He’s all like ‘I have seen everything that is done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and a striving after wind.’ Whatever that means.”

“That’s pretty deep, Butthead. I think he’s saying that life sucks and nothing matters.”

“Yeah, that’s pretty much it. He talks about how he’s tried everything, like wisdom and pleasure and work and being rich, and none of it brings him any real satisfaction. It’s like he’s really bummed out or something.”

“Whoa, that’s harsh. So what does he think we should do then?”

“Well, he says we should fear God and keep his commandments. That’s like the only thing that really matters, according to Qoheleth.”

“Uh, I don’t know about that Butthead. That sounds kinda boring. I think I’d rather just watch music videos and eat nachos.”

“Yeah, me too Beavis. But you know what Qoheleth would say about that?”


“He’d say, ‘Again, I saw vanity under the sun: there is one who has no other, either son or brother, yet there is no end to all his toil, and his eyes are never satisfied with riches, so that he never asks, “For whom am I toiling and depriving myself of pleasure?” This also is vanity and an unhappy business.’ Heh heh, what a buzzkill.”

“That’s deep, Butthead. We should probably just stick to music videos and nachos.”

“Uh huh huh huh, yeah, that’s way better than striving after wind or whatever.”

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About Butthead (Beavis & Butthead Do America)

Butthead is one of the two main characters in the American adult animated TV show ‘Beavis and Butthead’. He is known for his signature laugh and lack of intelligence. Butthead is taller and thinner than his companion, Beavis, and has a lighter voice. He is often seen wearing a gray AC/DC shirt, has brown hair, and braces on his teeth. Butthead is generally portrayed as the more aggressive and dominant of the two, while Beavis is more submissive. They are both known for their crude behavior and love of heavy metal music. In the movie ‘Beavis and Butthead Do America’, the two characters embark on a cross-country adventure to find their stolen television.


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