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The Animated Character Beavis Gives a Summary of Haggai

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This is a fictional Bible reading. Beavis did not actually make this Bible reading.

So, like, there was this dude named Haggai who had this message from God. He was all, “Yo, people of Judah! What are you doing just chillin’ in your fancy houses when my temple is still in ruins?” And the people were like, “Uh, we’re busy. We’ll get to it eventually.” But Haggai was like, “No, man. God wants you to get to work on the temple right now.”

So the people finally got to work on the temple, but some of them were like, “This temple is gonna suck. It’s not gonna be as good as the old one.” And Haggai was all, “Dude, don’t worry about it. God’s gonna make this new one awesome.” And sure enough, when the temple was finished, it was totally sick, bro.

Then Haggai had another message from God. He was all, “Yo, Zerubbabel (who was the governor of Judah), you’re gonna be like a signet ring. Whatever you say or do is gonna be legit.” And Zerubbabel was like, “Sweet. I’m gonna go rule the world now.” But Haggai was like, “No, man. Just rule Judah. Baby steps, dude.”

And that’s pretty much the story of Haggai. He was a prophet who convinced the people of Judah to finish building the temple, and he gave Zerubbabel some words of encouragement. It may not be the most exciting story in the Bible, but it’s still important.

And in the words of Beavis, “Heh heh, he said Zerubbabel.”

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About Beavis

Beavis is a fictional character and half of the titular duo of the MTV animated television series Beavis and Butt-Head. He is voiced by the show’s creator, Mike Judge. Beavis is known for his skull-like appearance with a pronounced underbite, spiky hair, and metal braces on his teeth. He is often seen wearing a Metallica T-shirt and blue jeans. Beavis is depicted as having a highly excitable, hyperactive, and destructive personality, making him the more unpredictable and dangerous of the duo. He is also obsessed with heavy metal music, fire, and bodily functions, frequently laughing hysterically and shouting his catchphrase “Heh heh heh” in response to vulgar or crude jokes. Beavis has become a cultural icon and is often cited as one of the greatest animated characters of all time.


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