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Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon with Belshazzar from the Bible

Belshazzar was a Babylonian king who famously saw the writing on the wall, as recorded in the Book of Daniel in the Bible. Let’s play the popular game, "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon," to find out how Belshazzar is connected to the Hollywood actor.

Step 1: Belshazzar to Cyrus the Great
Belshazzar was the grandson of King Nebuchadnezzar II and the son of King Nabonidus. After his father was exiled to Arabia, Belshazzar became the king of Babylon. In 539 BC, Cyrus the Great of Persia conquered Babylon and ended the Babylonian Empire.

Interesting trivia: Cyrus the Great was known for his religious tolerance and allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their temple.

Step 2: Cyrus the Great to Alexander the Great
After Cyrus the Great, the Persian Empire was later conquered by Alexander the Great of Macedonia in 330 BC.

Interesting trivia: Alexander the Great was tutored by Aristotle, one of the most famous and influential philosophers in history.

Step 3: Alexander the Great to Julius Caesar
The Roman Republic became a superpower after the conquests of Julius Caesar, who was a general and statesman during the late Roman Republic period.

Interesting trivia: Julius Caesar was known for his military conquests, but he was also a gifted writer and authored several books, including his famous "Commentaries on the Gallic War."

Step 4: Julius Caesar to Cleopatra
Cleopatra was the last pharaoh of Egypt and famously had a romantic relationship with Julius Caesar.

Interesting trivia: Cleopatra spoke several languages, including Greek and Egyptian, and was known for her intelligence and political skills.

Step 5: Cleopatra to Elizabeth Taylor
Elizabeth Taylor played Cleopatra in the 1963 film of the same name.

Interesting trivia: Elizabeth Taylor won two Academy Awards for Best Actress and was also known for her humanitarian work, including her efforts to fight AIDS.

Step 6: Elizabeth Taylor to Kevin Bacon
Kevin Bacon appeared in the 1994 film "The River Wild" with Meryl Streep, who co-starred with Elizabeth Taylor in the 2001 television movie "These Old Broads."

Interesting trivia: Kevin Bacon is known for his acting roles, but he is also a musician and has played in several bands.

Biblical verse: "God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble." – 1 Peter 5:5 (NIV)
Belshazzar was a proud and arrogant king who did not repent of his sins, even after seeing the writing on the wall. This verse reminds us that God values humility and repentance over pride and arrogance.

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