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Bible Fun w/ Ruth 1:1-22.

Robot Created – Ask Your Pastor First!

We love the Bible! We’re just having fun because our Robot loves it too. So, here we are having some fun with Ruth 1:1-22. You will find a poem, a rap, even an idea for a Ruth 1:1-22 TV show!

A Game Based on Ruth 1:1-22

Game Title: Naomi and Ruth’s Journey

Overview: In this game, players will play as Naomi or Ruth, accompanied by each other, on their journey to Bethlehem. The objective of the game is to collect as many supplies as possible and reach Bethlehem before running out of time.


– The game consists of five levels. Each level simulates different stages of Naomi and Ruth’s journey.
– At the beginning of each level, players will be provided with a list of necessary supplies, such as food, water, clothing, and medicine.
– Players will need to navigate the environment and collect as many supplies as possible while avoiding obstacles such as rough terrain or bandits.
– The player will move the character using arrow keys or by swiping on mobile devices. Spacebar or tapping can be used for jumping over rocks or obstacles.
– Players must collect enough supplies to move to the next level within the given time frame.
– The game ends when the player reaches the end of level five or runs out of time without collecting enough supplies.


– Points will be awarded to players based on the number of collected supplies.
– Points will be subtracted for any missed supplies or lost time in the game.
– The final score will determine the level of victory, with the highest score being the best.


This game is designed to connect the players with the biblical narrative of Ruth and Naomi’s journey. It can be used as an educational tool to teach children the story of the Bible in an interactive and engaging way. The game has a simple interface, and the rules are easy to understand, making it accessible to players of all ages.

a Ruth 1:1-22 poem

In Bethlehem, the land of bread,
A woman named Naomi fled,
With husband and sons, they set out,
To Moab, a place of doubt.

Her sons found wives, but tragedy struck,
Both sons and husband, all were stuck,
In Moab’s grasp, they met their end,
Leaving Naomi with no friend.

She urges her daughters-in-law to leave,
To start anew, their lives to weave,
But Ruth clings to her with loyalty,
Saying “Where you go, I’ll surely be.”

Together they return to Bethlehem,
Naomi’s hometown, where love begins,
Ruth gleans in Boaz’s field so wide,
A kinsman-redeemer, she did abide.

Boaz redeemed Naomi’s name,
And took Ruth to be his dame,
Their son Obed became the line,
Of David, the mighty king divine.

So, in Ruth 1:1-22 we learn,
The depths of loyalty and love’s yearn,
And how God works in all our days,
To bring about His marvelous ways.

a Ruth 1:1-22 rap

Verse 1:
Listen up, let’s start at Ruth 1:1-22
A story of devotion, courage and love that’s true
It all began with famine, in the land of Bethlehem
Elimelech and Naomi, left their town with regret

Ruth, Ruth, a woman of faith
Her loyalty, an example, we can’t escape
To Naomi, she said, “Your people shall be my people”
Unwavering, she followed her mother-in-law, with no ripple

Verse 2:
Orpah, Naomi’s other daughter-in-law, chose to turn back
But Ruth stayed strong, in her heart, there was no lack
She was determined to care for Naomi, until the end
A vow she made, a pledge she’d never bend

Ruth, Ruth, a woman of faith
Her loyalty, an example, we can’t escape
To Naomi, she said, “Your people shall be my people”
Unwavering, she followed her mother-in-law, with no ripple

Verse 3:
In Bethlehem, they arrived, Naomi’s hometown
The people were surprised, they gathered around
Naomi said, “Don’t call me Naomi, but instead call me bitter”
Her life had been tough, she felt shattered

Ruth, Ruth, a woman of faith
Her loyalty, an example, we can’t escape
To Naomi, she said, “Your people shall be my people”
Unwavering, she followed her mother-in-law, with no ripple

Verse 4:
Ruth went to the fields to glean, to find food
Boaz noticed her, and his kindness was seen as good
Ruth worked hard, and gathered plenty of grain
Boaz helped her, and said “May God bless you, and your gain”

Ruth, Ruth, a woman of faith
Her loyalty, an example, we can’t escape
To Naomi, she said, “Your people shall be my people”
Unwavering, she followed her mother-in-law, with no ripple

Verse 5:
Through Ruth’s hard work, Naomi was relieved
She saw her daughter-in-law’s love, and truly believed
Boaz and Ruth fell in love, that’s true
Their marriage blessed, God made it new

Ruth, Ruth, a woman of faith
Her loyalty, an example, we can’t escape
To Naomi, she said, “Your people shall be my people”
Unwavering, she followed her mother-in-law, with no ripple

So let’s learn from Ruth, and her faithful heart
To serve others, and never be apart
May we too, show devotion and love
And follow God’s guidance, from above.

if Ruth 1:1-22 was a TV show

Title: Naomi and Ruth

Logline: After losing their husbands, a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law must navigate a new life together and find hope in unexpected places.


Naomi and Ruth is a drama series that follows the story of Naomi and Ruth, based on the biblical book of Ruth. The series opens with the death of Naomi’s husband and two sons, leaving her and her daughter-in-law Ruth alone in a foreign land. Naomi decides to return to her homeland in Bethlehem, and Ruth insists on joining her, despite the risks and uncertainties they will face.

As they journey together, Naomi and Ruth face many challenges and obstacles, including poverty, famine, and social isolation. But they find comfort in each other and the unwavering faith that sustains them. When they arrive in Bethlehem, Naomi is greeted with a mix of pity and curiosity from her old friends and neighbors, who are shocked to see her return with a foreign woman.

As the two women settle into their new lives, they must find a way to survive and rebuild their future. Ruth takes on menial work in the fields to provide for Naomi, and through hard work and determination, she catches the eye of Boaz, a wealthy landowner, who treats her with kindness and respect.

As Naomi and Ruth navigate their new community and make new friends, they discover that the bonds of loyalty and faith can create a family of choice, one that can withstand even the most challenging circumstances. Naomi ultimately finds redemption and joy through Ruth, as she sees the goodness of God’s grace fulfilled in their lives.

The series touches on themes of family, loyalty, faith, and hope, and is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. It is a story that resonates with viewers of all ages and backgrounds, and reminds us that even in times of darkness, there is always the possibility of light and love.


Naomi and Ruth is a compelling drama series that brings the beloved biblical story of Ruth to life. With its strong themes of family, faith, and hope, it is a show that will resonate with viewers of all ages and backgrounds. The series showcases the strength and resilience of its two female leads, Naomi and Ruth, as they rebuild their lives and redefine their sense of family and community. Naomi and Ruth will captivate audiences with its engaging storyline, dynamic characters, and universal message of hope and redemption.

or what if Ruth 1:1-22 was a play

Title: Naomi and Ruth


Naomi – an old Jewish woman
Ruth – Naomi’s daughter-in-law

SETTING: A village in Moab



(Naomi and her husband Elimelech, together with their two sons, Mahlon and Kilion, move from Bethlehem of Judah to live in the country of Moab.)

Naomi: (Voice-over) In the days when the judges ruled there was a famine in the land, and a man of Bethlehem in Judah went to sojourn in the country of Moab, he and his wife and his two sons.

(Enter Naomi, Elimelech, Mahlon and Kilion.)

Naomi: Elimelech, why have we left our homeland and come to this place where we do not belong?

Elimelech: Naomi, there was a famine in the land. We had to go where there was food.

Naomi: But this is not our home. Bethlehem is where God gave us our inheritance.

Mahlon: Mother, we are safe here. And we have found work and food.

Kilion: Yes, Naomi. We should be grateful for what we have.

Naomi: (sighs) You are right, my sons. Let us be thankful for what God has provided for us.


(Elimelech dies, leaving Naomi a widow with her two sons, who marry Moabite women, Ruth and Orpah.)

Naomi: (Voice-over) But then Elimelech, my husband, died, and I was left with my two sons.

(Enter Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah.)

Naomi: My daughters, you have been a blessing to us. You have brought light into our lives.

Ruth: We are honored to be part of your family, Naomi.

Orpah: Yes, and we will always be here for you.

Naomi: But my sons have died too. And I am too old to marry again and have more children. You should go back to your own people.

Orpah: (crying) Naomi, we cannot leave you alone.

Ruth: Where you go, we go. Your people are my people, and your God is my God.

Naomi: (emotionally touched) Oh, Ruth, you are a true daughter to me. But how can I burden you with such a heavy load?

Ruth: No burden is too heavy when it is shared with a loved one.


(Naomi and Ruth return to Bethlehem where they are welcomed by the townspeople.)

Naomi: (Voice-over) So, Naomi and Ruth returned to Bethlehem, where they were welcomed by the townspeople.

(Enter Naomi and Ruth.)

Townspeople: (in unison) Naomi, welcome back!

Naomi: It is good to be home, among my own people.

Townspeople: And who is this with you?

Naomi: This is Ruth, my daughter-in-law, who has clung to me and pledged to stay with me until the end of her days.

Townspeople: (impressed) Ruth, you are a noble woman. May God bless you both and provide for you.



(Naomi sends Ruth to glean in the fields belonging to Boaz, a wealthy and righteous relative.)

Naomi: (Voice-over) In order for us to have food, Ruth had to go to the fields to glean. And it so happened that she gleaned in the fields of Boaz, a righteous and wealthy man, who was a relative of ours.

(Enter Naomi and Ruth.)

Naomi: Ruth, my dear, I have an idea. I know Boaz, and he is our kinsman-redeemer. Go to his fields and glean there.

Ruth: Thank you, Naomi. I will do as you say.


(Boaz notices Ruth and kindly asks about her.)

Boaz: (to his workers) Who is that young woman in the fields? Do not call her out or treat her harshly.

(Enter Boaz and Ruth.)

Boaz: Greetings, young woman. May I ask your name?

Ruth: I am Ruth, your servant.

Boaz: You are a Moabite woman? Yet, you have shown kindness to Naomi, who is a kinswoman of mine.

Ruth: Yes, I have pledged to stay by her side until the end of my days.

Boaz: You are a noble woman, and I pray that God will reward you for your kindness. Stay here and glean as much as you need. And please, let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.

Ruth: (grateful) Thank you, sir. You are too generous to me.


(Boaz shows kindness to Ruth, and Naomi realizes he is a possible kinsman-redeemer for them.)

Naomi: (Voice-over) As Ruth continued to glean in Boaz’s fields, he showed her much kindness and provided for her abundantly.

(Enter Naomi.)

Naomi: Ruth, come here. Listen to me, my daughter. Boaz is our kinsman-redeemer. He has the right to marry you and keep our family line alive.

Ruth: (surprised) Me? But how can I make him notice me? I am a foreigner in a strange land.

Naomi: (smiling) You are a beautiful and noble woman, my dear. Trust in God, and let us see what He will do.



(Naomi instructs Ruth on how to get Boaz’s attention.)

Naomi: (Voice-over) So, Naomi instructed Ruth on how to get Boaz’s attention.

(Enter Naomi and Ruth.)

Naomi: Ruth, dress in your best clothes, and anoint yourself with oil. Then, go to the threshing floor where Boaz will be working.

Ruth: (confused) But what should I do there?

Naomi: Wait until he falls asleep. Then, uncover his feet and lie down there. He will tell you what to do next.


(Ruth obeys Naomi and lies at Boaz’s feet. Boaz awakens and realizes her intentions.)

Boaz: (to Ruth) Who are you?

Ruth: I am Ruth, your servant. Spread your cloak over me, since you are a kinsman-redeemer.

Boaz: (smiling) You are clever, my dear. And you honor me greatly. But there is a closer kinsman-redeemer than I. Let me go and speak to him first.


(Boaz settles the matter with the closer kinsman-redeemer, and he ends up marrying Ruth.)

Boaz: (to the closer kinsman-redeemer) You are my relative, and you have the first right to redeem the property and marry Ruth.

Closer kinsman-redeemer: (considers) Yes, I will redeem it.

Boaz: (smiling) Very well. But know this, along with the property comes Ruth, the Moabite woman.

Closer kinsman-redeemer: (suddenly hesitant) Wait, never mind. I cannot risk my own inheritance. You may redeem it yourself.

(Boaz and Ruth marry and have a son named Obed, who becomes the grandfather of King David.)

Naomi: (Voice-over) So, Boaz redeemed the property and married Ruth. And God granted them a son, Obed, who became the grandfather of King David.

(Enter Naomi, Boaz, and Ruth holding baby Obed.)

Naomi: God has brought us much joy, my beloved family. May our family line continue to prosper under the guidance of our Lord.

Boaz: Amen.

Ruth: Amen.

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