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Why did James write a letter instead of sending a text message?
Because in James 1:19 it says “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry”.

Bible Fun w/ James 1:1-27.

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We love the Bible! We’re just having fun because our Robot loves it too. So, here we are having some fun with James 1:1-27. You will find a poem, a rap, even an idea for a James 1:1-27 TV show!

A Game Based on James 1:1-27

Title: “Endure and Receive the Crown”

Objective: To navigate through various trials and temptations while keeping one’s faith intact in order to receive the crown of life, as mentioned in James 1:12.


1. The player will start as a character representing a faithful believer, standing at the entrance of a path leading to the crown of life.

2. As the player moves forward, they will come across different obstacles and trials specifically mentioned in James 1:1-27, such as financial hardships, illness, conflicts with others, and more.

3. Each trial will be represented as a mini-game, where the player will have to make decisions that align with their faith and withstand temptations to sin. For example, they may have to choose to forgive someone who wronged them or resist the urge to become envious of others’ possessions.

4. At the end of each trial, the player will receive a score based on their decision-making and whether they stayed true to their faith. The score will determine how much closer they are to receiving the crown of life.

5. If the player fails to make decisions based on faith and falls into sin, they will lose points and move further away from their goal.

6. As the player approaches the end of the path, they will face a final trial that tests their endurance and faithfulness. This trial may require them to sacrifice something important or face persecution for their beliefs.

7. If the player successfully completes the final trial without giving up their faith, they will receive the crown of life and win the game.

Conclusion: “Endure and Receive the Crown” is a simple yet educational game that teaches players about the enduring and faithful nature of believers, as described in James 1:1-27. It encourages players to stay strong in their faith through various trials and temptations and strives to inspire them to earn the reward of eternal life, just like the faithful believers of old.

a James 1:1-27 poem

James, the servant of God,
Says trials and faith go hand in hand,
Ask for wisdom, trust in the Lord,
Avoid anger and ungodly demands.

Be doers of the word, not hearers,
Don’t show favoritism or judge,
Care for orphans and widows,
Beware of boastful tongues and grudges.

Faith without works is dead,
Show your faith by what you do,
Resist the devil, submit to God,
Draw near to Him, He’ll draw near to you.

True religion is to visit the afflicted,
And keep oneself from being stained,
James’ advice is simple yet profound,
Follow it, and you will be sustained.

a James 1:1-27 rap

Verse 1:
Listen up, I got a story to tell
About a letter from James, that’ll ring a bell
He wrote to the twelve tribes, scattered all ’round
A message of faith, righteousness he found

Count it all joy, when you fall into trials
Perseverance, it’s what it takes to go the miles
Doers of the word, not just hearers alone
True religion, to care for the orphans and widows at home

Verse 2:
If you lack wisdom, just ask of the Lord
He gives it freely, that’s not just a reward
But ask in faith, with no doubt in your heart
For a double-minded man, will surely fall apart

Count it all joy, when you fall into trials
Perseverance, it’s what it takes to go the miles
Doers of the word, not just hearers alone
True religion, to care for the orphans and widows at home

Verse 3:
Don’t be deceived, by the riches of life
They fade away, like wind and strife
But he who endures, will win the crown
That’s promised to those who don’t let trials bring them down

Count it all joy, when you fall into trials
Perseverance, it’s what it takes to go the miles
Doers of the word, not just hearers alone
True religion, to care for the orphans and widows at home

So take this message, and let it soak in
Live by faith, let righteousness begin
Be not just a hearer, but a doer true
And let God’s word, shine and guide you.

if James 1:1-27 was a TV show

Title: The Way of Wisdom

Logline: A modern retelling of James 1:1-27, one of the most powerful and practical books of the Bible, that follows the journey of a young woman who struggles to find peace and purpose amidst life’s storms, as she discovers the timeless truths of faith, hope and love.

Synopsis: A 25-year-old journalist named Rachel is at a crossroads in her life. She’s just lost her job, her boyfriend and her sense of direction. She feels alone and confused, wondering if there’s more to life than just chasing success and pleasure. One day, while cleaning her grandmother’s attic, she finds a dusty old Bible and decides to open it. She reads the first chapter of James and is struck by its relevance to her own struggles. She sees that James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, wrote this letter to encourage believers who were facing trials of all kinds, to persevere in faith and to remember that every good and perfect gift comes from above. Rachel decides to reach out to a wise pastor named David, who helps her to deepen her faith, to find true joy and to make a difference in the world. He explains to her that James’ words still ring true today, and that we all need wisdom from above to navigate the challenges of life. Together, they embark on a journey of discovery that leads Rachel to a new purpose, a newfound love, and a lasting faith in the Way of Wisdom.

Format: “The Way of Wisdom” is a multi-episode TV series that combines elements of drama, romance, and faith-based storytelling. Each episode would focus on a different theme from James 1:1-27, such as trials, temptation, faith, works, anger, humility, and living out the word. It could feature flashbacks of James’ life and teachings, alongside contemporary scenes that resonate with the struggles and hopes of modern viewers. It would appeal to audiences of all ages and backgrounds who seek inspiration and direction in their own lives, and who appreciate the timeless wisdom of the Scriptures.

or what if James 1:1-27 was a play

Scene 1:
Narrator: The following is derived from James 1:1-27

(JAMES enters the stage, pause, then begins to speak)

James: (speaking to audience) Greetings, Brothers and Sisters. Hear me out. Trials will come. But it is by the power of Christ that you will overcome them. My brothers, be steadfast in your faith regardless of what comes.

Scene 2:
(JAMES is on stage seated as one of the characters has come to him for counsel)

(CHARACTER 1 enters)

C1: James, I don’t know what to do. I’m going through a lot of trials and tribulations at work.

James: (nodding) I understand. But count it all a joy, my brother. The testing of your faith produces perseverance.

C1: But it’s really hard. I feel like giving up.

James: (smiling) Let your perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

C1: (nodding) Thank you, James.

Scene 3:
(JAMES is reading scrolls as CHARACTER 2 enters)

C2: (exhausted) James, I’m so worn out. I feel like my faith is faltering.

James: (putting down scrolls) My brothers and sisters, we must understand that we are not alone in our struggles. If anyone is in need of wisdom, ask of God. (JAMES bows his head in prayer) He will give to you generously if you ask without doubting.

C2: Thank you, James.

Scene 1:
(JAMES is pacing around the stage)

Narrator: Trials will come in many forms, and we must not forget that temptation is among them.

(JAMES stops pacing)

James: (looking up to heaven) Father, help us from falling into temptation.

Scene 2:
(C1 enters the stage, rushing)

C1: James! James! I’ve just received news!

James: What is it brother?

C1: (panting) The man who had been threatening us, he’s been dealt with!

(JAMES nods, smiling)

James: (pleased) My brothers, remember that you have been saved by the Father of lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. Go forth with faith and perseverance.

Scene 3:
(JAMES exits and CHARACTERS are left alone on stage)
Narrator: And so, my brothers and sisters, let us not only hear the Word but put it into action. In doing so, we will be blessed. Keep yourselves pure, humble, and obedient to the Word of Christ, and may the Lord’s grace be with you.

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