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Why did the Israelites cross the Nile River?

To let pharaoh know that they were serious about their Exodus 1:1-22!

Bible Fun w/ Exodus 1:1-22.

Robot Created – Ask Your Pastor First!

We love the Bible! We’re just having fun because our Robot loves it too. So, here we are having some fun with Exodus 1:1-22. You will find a poem, a rap, even an idea for a Exodus 1:1-22 TV show!

A Game Based on Exodus 1:1-22

Title: The Exodus Escape

Objective: The player must help Moses and the Israelites escape from Egypt while avoiding the Pharaoh’s army.


– The player controls Moses and the Israelites’ group movements through different levels.
– The Pharaoh’s army chases them throughout the game, making it challenging to escape Egypt.
– The player must collect items such as food, water, and gold that lead them to the Promised Land.
– There are obstacles such as water bodies and deserts that the player has to overcome to advance to the next level.
– The levels get harder as the player progresses through the game.


– Collecting food, water, and gold items increase the player’s score points.
– Completing levels awards the player with bonus points depending on their speed.
– The player loses points if the Pharaoh’s army catches up with them.

End game:

– The game ends when the player successfully leads Moses and the Israelites to the Promised Land.
– The player can replay the game to achieve a higher score or help the Israelites escape faster.

References: Exodus 1:1-22 from the Bible.

a Exodus 1:1-22 poem

In Exodus, chapter one we see
The story of a king’s decree
To kill all Hebrew baby boys
And rob them of their parents’ joys

But midwives, fearing God above
Would not obey this law unjust
And as a result the Hebrews grew
Stronger, numerous and quite true

Pharaoh’s plan did not succeed
Despite his wickedness and greed
For God’s protection and provision
Prevented the Hebrews’ oppression

So let us trust in God’s great plan
To work through us, as part of His clan
And know that though the world may rage
Our Lord will never disengage.

a Exodus 1:1-22 rap

Verse 1:
Yo, listen up to this story of the Israelites
Back in Egypt, yo they’re living their lives
But as time passed, the Pharaoh had no regard
For their growth, he treated ’em hard

Verse 2:
In fear of their strength, he enslaved ’em all
From sun up to sun down, no freedom at all
Yet, they still multiplied and grew
So Pharaoh got scared, he didn’t know what to do

Verse 3:
He told his people to murder their sons
But the midwives resisted, they wouldn’t come undone
So Pharaoh commanded that all the Hebrew baby boys
Should be thrown into the Nile, no reason nor rejoice

Verse 4:
But one Hebrew family refused to obey
They hid their baby boy, to keep him safe
Three months they kept him hidden from sight
Till they could no longer keep him tight

Verse 5:
They made a basket and coated it with tar
And put their baby boy down the river far
Pharaoh’s daughter discovered him then
And took him home, she called him Moses, amen

Verse 6:
Moses grew up, but he never forgot
The plight of his people that he had sought
He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave
And in anger, he fought to save

Verse 7:
Moses fled Egypt, but he would return
With God’s help, all the Israelites he would adjourn
Exodus 1:1-22, it’s a story of oppression
But God would use Moses to teach a lesson.

if Exodus 1:1-22 was a TV show

Title: Exodus: Escape from Egypt

Logline: A courageous woman defies a tyrannical pharaoh to protect her people, leading them on a perilous journey to freedom in this epic retelling of the biblical story.

Synopsis: In ancient Egypt, the Israelites have been enslaved by the pharaoh for generations. But when he deems them a threat to his reign, he orders the genocide of their newborn sons. One woman, Jochebed, refuses to let her newborn son be killed and instead sends him floating down the Nile River in a basket.

The baby is discovered and adopted by the pharaoh’s daughter, who names him Moses. As an adult, Moses learns of his true identity and becomes outraged by the oppression of his people. He joins forces with his brother Aaron and together they confront the pharaoh, demanding that he release the Israelites from slavery.

But the pharaoh refuses, prompting a series of plagues that devastate Egypt. Finally, the pharaoh relents, but then changes his mind and sends his army after the Israelites as they flee into the wilderness. Moses must rely on his faith in God to guide his people through the perilous journey to freedom.

Exodus: Escape from Egypt is a thrilling adventure that explores the power of faith, courage, and sacrifice in the face of tyranny. With stunning visuals, epic battles, and a cast of unforgettable characters, this biblical drama will captivate audiences of all ages.

or what if Exodus 1:1-22 was a play

Title: The Oppression of the Israelites

Moses’ mother
Egyptian taskmasters
Israelite slaves

Narrator: In the land of Egypt, the Israelites multiplied and became exceedingly numerous. But a new king had come to power in Egypt, who did not know Joseph.

Pharaoh: (entering) These Israelites are becoming too numerous. We must take action against them.

Egyptian Taskmaster 1: (entering) Your Majesty, we should oppress them with forced labor.

Egyptian Taskmaster 2: (entering) And let’s make their lives miserable, so they will not become too powerful.

Pharaoh: Yes, that seems like a good idea.

Narrator: So Pharaoh gave orders to the Israelite slave drivers to oppress the Israelites with forced labor. They made their lives bitter with hard labor in brick and mortar and all kinds of work in the fields.

Israelite 1: (entering) We cannot bear this anymore! How long will we have to endure this oppression?

Israelite 2: (entering) We cry out to God for help, but it seems like He is silent.

Shiphrah: (entering) (to Puah) We must do something to help these Israelite women.

Puah: (entering) But Pharaoh has ordered us to kill any male children born to them.

Shiphrah: (entering) I refuse to obey such an evil command. We will help them in whatever way we can.

Narrator: Shiphrah and Puah continued to help the Israelite women, disregarding Pharaoh’s cruel edict. God blessed them for their bravery and the Israelites continued to multiply.

Moses’ mother: (entering) (to Amram) Our son is beautiful, but we cannot keep him hidden forever. We must put him in a basket and place him in the river.

Amram: (entering) But the river is dangerous. We could lose him forever.

Moses’ mother: (entering) Trust in God. He will protect our son.

Narrator: Moses’ mother placed him in a basket and floated it down the river. Pharaoh’s daughter found him and took him as her own child. God was with Moses, and he grew up to become a great leader and deliverer of his people.

The End.

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