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Why did the apostles keep staring up into the sky after Jesus ascended into heaven in Acts 1:1-11?

They were trying to see if He had left any footprints in the clouds!

Bible Fun w/ Acts 1:1-11.

Robot Created – Ask Your Pastor First!

We love the Bible! We’re just having fun because our Robot loves it too. So, here we are having some fun with Acts 1:1-11. You will find a poem, a rap, even an idea for a Acts 1:1-11 TV show!

A Game Based on Acts 1:1-11

Title: Ascension Adventure

Objective: Help Jesus ascend to heaven

How to play:

1. The player controls Jesus character, who is at the bottom of the screen.

2. Obstacles and enemies will appear on the screen, the player must dodge them by moving Jesus left or right.

3. Each time the player dodges an obstacle or enemy, Jesus will ascend a little higher.

4. The player must continue dodging and ascending until Jesus reaches the top of the screen, representing his ascension into heaven.

5. If Jesus collides with an obstacle or enemy, the game is over.

6. The game is won when Jesus reaches the top of the screen.

7. The background music for the game can be a hymn or a worship song.

Enjoy playing Ascension Adventure!

a Acts 1:1-11 poem

Jesus rose up to the skies,
Before them stood the angels wise,
He’ll come back again one day,
This is what they heard Him say.
Until then, His power we’ll receive,
The Holy Spirit we’ll believe,
Tell the world of all His grace,
In every time and every place.

a Acts 1:1-11 rap

Verse 1:
Listen up y’all, I got a story to tell
From the book of Acts, in the Bible it dwells
The first chapter, one through eleven
Tells of Jesus’ ascension to Heaven

Verse 2:
After rising from the dead, he spent some time
With his disciples, he shared some wine
He spoke of God’s kingdom, and what’s to come
Then he was lifted up, straight to the sun

He ascended to heaven, to be with his Father
But he left us with power, to spread his love farther
From Jerusalem to the ends of the earth
We’ll carry his message, for all it’s worth

Verse 3:
The disciples looked up, and saw him go
Two angels appeared, to let them know
He’ll come back, just like he did leave
So don’t worry, don’t be deceived

Verse 4:
Then they returned to the upper room
To wait for the Holy Spirit, to be their groom
And it came, like a rushing wind
And they spoke in other tongues, a new language begin

He ascended to heaven, to be with his Father
But he left us with power, to spread his love farther
From Jerusalem to the ends of the earth
We’ll carry his message, for all it’s worth

Verse 5:
So let’s go out, and tell the world
About Jesus’ love, that’s unfurled
Let’s share his message, with everyone we meet
And let them know, that Jesus can defeat

He ascended to heaven, to be with his Father
But he left us with power, to spread his love farther
From Jerusalem to the ends of the earth
We’ll carry his message, for all it’s worth

Acts chapter one, it’s just the beginning
Of a story that’s still being written
Let’s keep the faith, and hold on tight
Until the day, Jesus comes back in sight.

if Acts 1:1-11 was a TV show

Title: Ascension

Logline: When Jesus ascends into heaven, a group of his followers are left to grapple with their uncertain future and newfound responsibilities.

Synopsis: Ascension follows the events of Acts 1:1-11, as Jesus bids farewell to his followers and ascends into heaven. The group is left reeling from the loss of their leader and unsure of what to do next. Peter and the other apostles must step up to take control and spread the message of Jesus to the world.

As they struggle to reconcile their grief and newfound responsibilities, they face opposition from both the Roman Empire and the Pharisees. But with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and their unwavering faith, the apostles continue to preach the Gospel and gain followers.

But even as they attract more and more people to their cause, they begin to realize that with great power comes great responsibility. Can they live up to Jesus’ teachings and fulfill his mission to save humanity?

With stunning visuals, emotional performances, and a stirring musical score, Ascension is a powerful and inspiring drama that will resonate with viewers of all ages and beliefs.

or what if Acts 1:1-11 was a play

Title: The Ascension

– Jesus
– Apostles (Peter, James, John, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas son of James)

Setting: Mount of Olives

Act 1, Scene 1:

(All apostles gather around Jesus on the Mount of Olives.)

Jesus: “Dear friends, I have gathered you here today to tell you that the time has come for me to return to my Father in heaven.”

Peter: “Lord, what will happen to us now that you are leaving?”

Jesus: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Andrew: “But how will we know when this will happen?”

Jesus: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power!”

(As Jesus is speaking, he begins to rise into the air.)

James: “Lord, what’s happening? You are leaving us so soon? Why can’t you stay with us?”

Jesus: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power!”

John: “Master, we will miss you dearly. Please do not leave us!”

Jesus: “Do not worry, my dear friends. I will always be with you in spirit. Now go and wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit!”

(Jesus ascends into heaven, leaving the apostles in awe.)

Peter: “What a miracle we have witnessed today!”

Matthew: “Truly, he is the Son of God!”

(Jesus disappears from view.)

End of play.

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