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Why did King Solomon ask for wisdom instead of wealth or power in 1 Kings 3:5-9?

Because he already had a throne, but he wanted to make sure he was sitting on the right side of God.

Bible Fun w/ 1 Kings 3:5-9.

Robot Created – Ask Your Pastor First!

We love the Bible! We’re just having fun because our Robot loves it too. So, here we are having some fun with 1 Kings 3:5-9. You will find a poem, a rap, even an idea for a 1 Kings 3:5-9 TV show!

A Game Based on 1 Kings 3:5-9

Game Title: The Wise King

Objective: The objective of the game is to help King Solomon become the wisest king in the land by answering questions and making the right decisions.


– The game begins with King Solomon seeking wisdom from God in a dream, just like in 1 Kings 3:5-9.

– The player takes on the role of King Solomon and is presented with a variety of scenarios and questions.

– The scenarios could include situations where King Solomon needs to make a judgement on a dispute between two people, decide on a course of action to take when faced with a difficult problem, or respond with wisdom to a challenge from a neighboring kingdom.

– The questions could be general knowledge or Bible trivia questions related to wisdom, as well as questions about the story of King Solomon and his reign.

– The player must answer each scenario or question correctly to progress through the game and help King Solomon become the wisest king in the land.

– The game ends when King Solomon has successfully answered all questions and scenarios presented to him, and has proven himself as the wisest king in the land.

– A leaderboard shows the highest scores of players who have successfully completed the game.


The Wise King game is a fun and educational way to learn about the story of King Solomon and his famous wisdom. It teaches players about the importance of seeking wisdom and making the right decisions. The game is suitable for players of all ages and can be an engaging activity for family or friends.

a 1 Kings 3:5-9 poem

Solomon asked for wisdom,
In 1 Kings 3:5-9.
God granted his request,
And his reign began just fine.

He prioritized justice,
And made wise decisions galore.
Thanks to his humble request,
His kingdom was blessed more and more.

a 1 Kings 3:5-9 rap

Verse 1:
Yo, listen up, let me tell you a tale
‘Bout the wisest king ever, he never failed
Solomon was his name, he had it all
But that ain’t why he’s remembered, hear me tall

He went to Gibeon, to sacrifice and pray
And God appeared, with this to say
Solomon asked for wisdom, above all else
To lead his people, and do what was best

1 Kings 3:5-9, that’s where it’s at
Solomon showed us how to be on track
When we need guidance, we gotta seek the Lord
He’ll show us the way, every single chord

Verse 2:
Solomon knew, he didn’t have all the answers
But he trusted God, he was taking no chances
He asked for wisdom, to discern what was right
To help his people, and make their future bright

God was pleased, with Solomon’s request
He gave him wisdom, and it was the best
No one could compare, to his heart and soul
And his people prospered, ’cause he was in control

1 Kings 3:5-9, that’s where it’s at
Solomon showed us how to be on track
When we need guidance, we gotta seek the Lord
He’ll show us the way, every single chord

Verse 3:
Nowadays, we’re faced with many choices
We gotta listen, to the still small voices
We need wisdom, to navigate our way
And make decisions, that won’t lead us astray

Let’s follow Solomon, and ask for wisdom
From our God, who’s the source of all vision
He’ll guide our steps, and make our paths straight
And we won’t be lost, in the confusion and hate

1 Kings 3:5-9, that’s where it’s at
Solomon showed us how to be on track
When we need guidance, we gotta seek the Lord
He’ll show us the way, every single chord

So, let’s take heed, of what Solomon knew
To seek wisdom, and be humble too
God will bless us, in our journey ahead
And we’ll be victorious, by what He’s said.

if 1 Kings 3:5-9 was a TV show

Title: The Wise King

Logline: An unassuming king seeks wisdom from God to rule his kingdom justly, but his decision to sacrifice the throne for one child brings unforeseen consequences.

Synopsis: King Solomon, upon ascending to the throne, realizes the immense responsibility that comes with ruling a prosperous kingdom. He is overwhelmed by the task and seeks guidance from God in a dream. In the dream, God offers to grant Solomon any wish he desires. Solomon asks for wisdom to rule his people justly.

Impressed by Solomon’s request, God not only grants him wisdom but also blesses him with wealth, honor, and a long life. Solomon’s newfound wisdom allows him to make difficult decisions while maintaining his integrity.

One such decision involves two women who bring a dispute before him. Both women claim to be the mother of a baby boy. Solomon listens to both their arguments and assesses the situation wisely. He then offers to cut the baby in half, giving each woman a piece. The real mother, shocked and horrified by Solomon’s suggestion, immediately offers to give up her claim on the child so that he may live. Solomon recognizes her maternal love and awards her custody of the child.

Though Solomon’s decision brings peace to the situation, it also brings trouble. The woman who lost the child is filled with jealousy and plots her revenge against the king. She spreads false rumors about him and causes division within the kingdom. Solomon must use his wisdom once again to restore order and bring justice to the false accuser.

The Wise King is a captivating drama that not only portrays the power of wisdom and justice but also the consequences that come with making difficult decisions that affect people’s lives.

or what if 1 Kings 3:5-9 was a play

Title: Solomon’s Prayer

– Narrator
– Solomon
– God

Narrator: One night, the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream and said, “What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!”

Solomon: (waking up) Oh Lord, you have always been kind and faithful to my father David, and now you have made me king over your people. But I am young and inexperienced, and I do not know how to rule them.

God: (appearing in the dream) Solomon, you have shown wisdom and understanding beyond what most men possess. I am pleased with your heart, and I will give you what you have asked for.

Solomon: (kneeling) O Lord, give me an understanding heart so that I can govern your people well and know the difference between right and wrong. For who is able to govern these great people of yours?

God: (smiling) Because you have asked for wisdom instead of personal wealth or power, I will give you a wise and understanding heart that no one will ever have like you—before you, no one had it, and after you, no one will ever have it.

Narrator: The Lord also promised Solomon that he would give him riches, honor, and long life if he obeyed his commands and decrees.

Solomon: (waking up) Praise be to God Almighty! (looks around and realizes it was a dream)

Narrator: Solomon woke up, and it was all a dream. But the wisdom and the knowledge that he had gained from this experience would help him to rule his people with fairness and justice.

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